BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 36, 1886 7 Ural fistate. Sbtnm Hines flurttons. ggtate. THE MASSACHUSETTS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 58 Tremont Street Boston OVAM BTI AMIRI TO ARRIYR AT BOfiTOR ami vaon bats ssim fy-lvbM via Madeira aad the Azores.
Jane 15. A Adams A Co Uansaa -lane A On Britton (Jneaa.AandoBm.Mj ane Henderson Brae talnriMtsisss June Lincoln Buffalo. HalL. June 0.. Geo Prestos Bieadowe Jane 81..
A Lombard's fib -I uua 88 Co LtverpooL.Jane84..0 Furness lo Baylor 35.. (Hu A Loots Koines -Jana A Oo Bothnia Liverpool. Jme 88 Co British London Julr 8. Bros Paronis. 0..
Canard 88 Co THE IS rim TE UOTHEE. mb Bother of life and companion of God. lBWftla each moto from tbo mu to tho tod, 1 brood la all darkness. 1 gleam la all light, fathom an depth and 1 crowa every height; Within aw the globea of the universe roll, And through mo all matter takea imptom and out; Without aw an form Into chaoa would fall; was odar, within and around, over all. Era the stars of the morning la harmony sung.
Or the systems and sons from their grand arches awing. loved you, Earth, la those cycles profound. Whoa darkness anbrokea encircled you round. And the fruit of creation, the race of mankind. Was only a dream la the Infinite mind.
1 nursed you, Earth, ere your oceans were born, Or your mountains rejoiced in the gladness morn, WLea naked and helpless yon came from the womb. Ere the seasons had decked yon with verdure and bloom. And all that appeared of yonr form or your face Was a bare, Imid ball In the vast wilds of space. When your bosom was shaken and rent with alarms, calmed and caressed yon to sleep tn my arms; I sung oer your pillow the song of the spheres Till the hum of its melody softened your fears. And the hot flames of passion burned low in your breast As you lay on my heart like a maiden at rest.
hen fevered. 1 cooted you with mist and with ahower. And hissed yon with cloudlet and-rainbow and flower, Till you woke in tbeheavena arrayed like a queen. In garments of purple, of gout and of green, i'rom abrfes ot glory my Angara bad spaa l'oi the mother of nations and bride of the sun. There was love in your face and your bosom rose fair.
And the setnt of yonr lilies made fragrant the air. And yunr blush la the glance of your. lover was rare Aa yon waltzed in the light of his warm, yellow hair. Or lay la the haze of his tropical noons. Or sieot 'ncath the gaze uf the passionless moons; And 1 stretched out my arms from the awful uu-knowa Whose channels are swept by my nvers alone.
And held yon secure in your young mother-days. And sung to your offspring thoir lullaby lays, While races and nations came forth from your breast. lived, struggled and died, and returned there to imt. All ereatnrvs conceived at fbo Fountain of Cause Are born of my travail, controlled by my laws; 1 throb in their veins and I breathe in their breath, Crmbtne them for effort, dispone them in death; No form ia too great or minute for my care, No place so remote but my presence Is there. 1 Usd in the grasres that whisper of spring, j2U Ins oer the spaces to Bear the stars slug, 1 laugh with the infant, 1 roar with the sea, roll in the thunder, I ham with the bee; From the centre of tons to the flowers of the sod 1 in shuttle sctl loom in the purpose of God The ladder of action all spirit must climb To the clear height! of Love tram the lowlands of Time.
Tto mice to pgotect you, fair bride of the sun. Till the task of the bride and the bridegroom is dune; Till the rases that crown yon shall wither away. And the 14oum on your beautiful cheek shall decay; 31il the soft golden locks of yonr lover tarn gray And palsy shall fall on the pulses of Day; Till yon cease to give birth to the children of men, yonr forms are absorbed in my currents fjut yonr sons and yonr daughters, nnconquoied by strife, tthaii rise on my pinions and bathe la my Ufa While tbs fierce glowing splendors of snus cease to barn. And bright cotutellatioos to vapor return. And new ones that rise from the graves of the aid.
Shine, fade and dissolve like a tala that Is told. James U. Clark. by three lightning rods but also by lightning-proof fencing. The solitary resident observer who baa chosen to exile himself from civilization for the beat part of theyearis one of the miners, permanently residing in the miners' house eight thousand feet above aea level, who is now undergoing a cunrse of instruction in meteorology.
But ho will not bo cut off entirely from intercourse with his kindred, for he will be able to keep up communication by telephone with the miners' house two thousand feet below him, hence another telephone wire, fifteen miles long, loads to Kauris. From the latter place hie daily reo-iird of observations will be telegraphed to Vienna and the scientific world generally. Bonnblick Observatory will be known in future ns a meteorological station situate at higher elevation than any in Europe higher than those on Mt. Etna, the Pic du Midi (Pyrenees), and the Santis (canton of Appenzell). London Times.
Tarlona Items. Amongst the many sights from distant countries to be seen in London nt present, there le one of eccentric Interest, especially to the ethnologist and the medical man; ws refer to the hairy family from Barm ah. which ia now exhibited at the Egyptian Hall. It ia alleged that Mr. Barnnm had endeavored to iudnee tha family to leave Burnish for exhibition some time since without success.
This baa been accomplished by the course of recent events in the kingdom of King Thetbazr. In Mr. Crawford's Embassy to the Court of Ava, he mentions that he saw, at the Burmese Court, man, thirty Leaia old, with his whole IkkIj, except the ends and feet, covered with straight, silky hair, which, on the spine, vh five inches in length nt birth, the curs alone were covered. It ta stated that at birth hair several inches in length was found to be growing from rhe tympenum of each ear of this man's daughter. There are two individuals, the mother, Mahplinnn, daughter of Bhway-Moung, the homo hinutus described and depicted iu Crawford's narrative, which Colonel Yale quoted in his work i-n the Court of Ava," aud Mahphoone son, Muting Ihoset; the latter is accompanied by Lie wife, Burmese woman, of good-humored appearance, who appears, as the exhibitor Mares, to take a pride in her extraordinary husband.
The mother of the la'ter, who is now blind, is in charge of young Burmese attendant. Notwithstanding the strange np I'earance of both mother and son, there is nothing savage or wild in their manners Each member of the familv, it seems, bad eculiar privileges at tbat Court for three generatioua. The absence of molar teeth in Moung Phoaet engages attention, as well ns the extraordinary development of hair, especially on the face, including rhe nose, forehead, and ears; adding another example of the otwervatiun of Darwin, on the occurrence of abnormal deriaal covering being connected with an abnormal development of the teeth. There appears to be no rec rd of any auppoaed first influence having been an agent in. the ap)earanre of this remarkable family's peculiarity.
British Medical Journal. Dr. Oscar Lnz, the leader of the Austrian Congo expedition, writes to the Geographical Society of Vienna from Stanley Falls, under date of February 16, as follows: Oa the loth of January we left the equatorial station, aud reached the mouth of the Arnviiui Hirer on Fearuary 8. Going up the Congo from there, we found the population jiertectly peaceable and unable to otf-r any resistance, as they are entirely under the influence of the Arab Tippo-Tip, by whose followers they bare been disarmed. Oa the 14th of February we finally reached Stanley Falls station, a wide plain wi'h gardens and modest Louses.
The river with iu cataracts offers a picturesque view. The numer jus Arnlis and in their long belong to Tippo-Tip's curiously with the poverty-atrickennegro-populanon. The influence of the rich ami powerful Tippo-Tip ia every where felt. Having propitiated Tippo-Tip by the gift of several pieces of cli th, a few bottles ot eau de cologne, and some toilet soap. Dr.
Lenz communicated to him his intention of proceeding to the north, and asked for an escort. Tippo-Tip promised to give him 200 or men aas ion as an expedition of hia own, sent to the north about ten months ago. returned. Tippj-Tip Iiii-iured the tribes of the Wnbai as very war-ike, and altogether discouraged Dr. Leuz from penetrating into the interior.
It is, nevertheless, Dr. Leuz's Intention to proem i into the Momlmtta country nod to explore the route from Xymngve to Kusado an I the almost unknown lake of Mulaa-Nzlghe, reaching, if possible. Lake Alhert-Nyanza. So far the health of the expedition is satisfactory. Londoners have done wisely in resisting the rerent somewhat feeble attempts to popularize mesmeric entertainments, at which any one who likes to mount tbe platform is sent off.
Truly disastrous consequences have followed some similar exhibitions in Milan, where a certain Siguor Donato bus Iwen trying the effect of his evil eye. Numbers of susceptibla persons subjected themselves to his Influence, with tbe result that all of tbem who are not in hospitals are in lunatic asylums, amt tbe havoc has only been stopped by tbe interference of the doo-tois, who, strangely enough, requested that there performances, so profitable to themselves, should be prohibited. Donato must be rtallj a terrible fellow, for previously to his last escapade lie bad been politely requested to leave Vienna and other cities where ha bad seriously disturbed the mental rquilibiinm of the inhabitants. Tha process ot hypnotism is said to be not at all unpleasant, but it ia a pleasure which the prudent will deny themselves, and of which, if they wish to judge it, were better to experience vicariously. The Imperial secretary of arcfamology of Moscow has resolved to send to the Caucasus a commission for the purpose of exploring tbe old moonments of Christian art in that country.
Many of the Christian cbnrchea in the Caucasus were built on the ruins of pagan temples. Tbe total number of sheep In Queensland on tba 1st of Jannary last was S.lld.TtCt, as compared with P.JiCjeu on the 1st of January, 1885. My HOLBROOK A FOX, A nctl on ers and steal Ketsite Agnate, Office ho. Ii Post Office square. Valuable corner Lot Square Feet on Mill and Ashland Streets Mar rison Square Dorchester, At auction oa THURSDAY.
Jnly 1, at 4 o'clock p. oa the premises. This very choice lot, corner of Mill end Ashland streets, will oe sold either in one or two lots, os mag be decided at sale. The excellence of the nsulbss hood, ease end rapidity of access from city proper opportunities for boating and bathing, with othor ad-h mages, make this Iota very desirable location, fkoo to be paid at sate. Particulars of Auctioneers Ct 1095 excursions.
IN EFFBCT JUNE 28, 1883. Express for Weirs, Centre Harbor, Wolfebo rough aud Montreal, with through parlor can Tin Ply month and via White River unction. 0 Ofl I BJ Mountains, Limited 3.0U A. HI. S3Wa.S3SLr2E ferson, Fabyan, Twin Mountain House aud Mount Pleasant House; connecting for Maplewood, Bethlehem, Profile House, Cranford aud Mount Washington.
Infl ll White Mountains and Montreal m. Express, with Maun B-judoir 1 1 car to Fabyan, and parlor Cars to Weirs, Pit mouth and Montreal; connecting for Centre Harbor, Maple wood, Bethlehem, Crawford, Jefferson, etc. fin ll Local train for Plymouth, sl.lllJ I. III. White River Jnnctiin, with parlor car to Weir aad Fjjmontn.
nn II FMt Express for IdOvaM, O.UU r. Mi Nashua. Amberet, Milford and 7 (IR Nlgbt Express for the White f.ljU Is ills Moun'ains and Montreal. 1 gionn Bondoir sleeping ears Boston to Fabyan, arriving at 645 A. connecting with early morning trains for Jeff-srson, H.
j'leaocd, Bethlehem. Crawford and Summit Mount Washington. This ear is ran through Saturday night and Sunday morning. Pullman cars to Montreal. EXCURSION TICKETS at lowest rates are procurable at the Company's offices.
818 Washington Street, third door Booth of Old State House, aad at Causeway Street Station. C. 8 HZLLEH, General Superintendent. LUCIUS TUTTLE, General Fata eager Agent. 41 Je 8 8.30 A.
M. Old Colony Railroad TO COTTAGE CITY, Marthas Vineyard AND NANTUCKET. 1886 SUMMER 188G. Express Trains leave Boston for COTTAGE CITY at 9.00 A. 1.00, 4.05 P.
M. I via Wood Hall) week devs; 7.30 A. M. (vie Woods Hull) Sundays only. Fetornlng, leave Cottaev City, 6.15.9X0 A.
Mm 1.00 8.00 P. M. week days; 4A5 P. M. Bandars only.
Leave Boston tot NANTUCKET, 1.00 R. K. (via Woods Holl) week aays: 730 A. M. (via Woods Hold eandays.
Returning, leave Nantucket. 7.00 A. M. Iff SO r. week days; 3.16 F.
M. Sunday. DAY EXCURSIONS. Leave Boston 9.00 A. Hj have between two and three hour at the Vineyard.
Leave Cottage (3ty en return at 3.00 P. dne at Boston at 7-10P. H. On feuudB), passengers may nave about six hours at the Vineyard mui return some day. EXCURSION TICKETS.
Boston to Cottage City and Return SS.00 Five konsd Trip Tickets 13.06 Boston to Nantucket and Return 4.60 Five Round Trip Tickets 18.00 J. R. KENDRICK, je 31 61t General Manager. MISIOS i F80TIDBW 1 B. Shore Line to New York.
A Traiii will leave Providence Eailroad Iso-tioa every Sunday at 10 A. X. A Train will also Imt Grand Central Depat for Boaton at 10 A. X. Buffet Car will be ran etch way.
jpg Mt A. A. FOLSOM, ffspt. ttnutnu. it.
SQUIRES PARLOR BED. If yon wish to save money and room, be sure ana get a SQUIRES PARLOR BED. For sale by nearly all firstclaaa Furniture Dealers, or tbs manufacturers, SIDNEY SQUIRES 43 OO, Removed to 1ST Tremont opp. Hollis It fiend roc Illuatratcd Catolngne. Warranted tbe beat.
te IB Tlie AntomBtlc1 LIND FIXTTTB Attachable to Old as well as New BUnds. Thousands in successful use. They do not Interfere with tho use of the blinds in tbe ordinary way. Bold by the Hardware Trade eed by F. O.
NORTH 376 Devonshire gt, Boston. SWte my 31 ED. MAPS QUADRUPLE ESSENCES for th band-kenbief: Ylolstte de Farm, Ixoza Breori. Opoponax, Brim de la Pampas, LDaa da Farssb Bold siaiekm HENRY DREYFUS, 10 CoM St NEW YORK. Sole Spent for the Unite Statee.
Ww" Si EN UINR GLOVES ROUCICAUT. BO JJ MARCHE AMD REYHIER. Finaet al tapeet Foil gloves for srie by JAMMEH, importer, 6 tweet Fifteenth New York. Gloves ordered by nil forwarded free of chare. Bead rdf price list SMWlot jell CUNARDLINE.
BTKAKSHTPS SAILING DIRECT FROM Bostoc to Unrpool Ever) THURSDAY, And from Now York every Saturday, calling Queenstown, Cork Harbor. 9 too rage 1nasago at Low Rates. THURSDAY. Catalonia Ophaluula July 6 16 Favania Jnly 88 Key lb la jnly 89 Catalonia Ang. 5 Cepholonla Aug.
Gallia. Favonia. 86 Scythia. Sept. 8 Catalonia 8 Cophalouia Sept.
16 CABIN PASSAGE 960.980 aad 9100, according to accommodation. Intermediate Passage, fS6. Drafts on Great Britain and Ireland. For pazsaga or freight tha Companys Office. State atraot.
THE GUNARD STEAHSHIP CO. (XI ml ted.) te mb 88 WHITE8TAR LINE A'WWTt gnrenwnandUrorpooL Taking MABRY'S LANA The Steamers of this line era estobrstsd for tbs regnlsxity of their passages, end are ooUaetlvslr tbs fastest fleet crossing tbs Atlantic. PCI) fiTIB I lilt Mall stsamers to and from nCU 0 1 nil LIRE. Antwerp. Msw and splendid steel stMuaers just added to tbs lisri.
This Une offers unusual Inducements to passengers bonnd for tbs continent. Bates moderate and aonommodatb. .1 of the beat. Baud for dmalars of tbs trip. General Agents, 115 BUIS sL, cor.
Brand at. BORDEAUX LINE. New mud Dlraot Lino to Bouth iff Prunes. NEW YORK AND BORDEAUX DIR. CT.
S-S. CHATEAU MAROAUX June 88 Travellers tor France, Spain and Italy, Pan, Nice will save time and expense by taking this line. First CaMn, ISO and 9100; Second Cabin, 333, Steerage, 3 9b; Including wine, etc. For pBiMge apply to F. LK BOULANGER, General Agent, 46 Beaver street.
New York, or to MANNING A SEARS, su 19 WFMtaul9.B8 Feori at reel, Boston. OUBLE FALL RIVER LINE DAILY --for iEW YORK, SERVICE SPECIAL EXPBKdS TRAINS. CONNECTING STEAMERS. Four Steamers in Commission, PILGRIM, BRISTOL, PROVIDENCE, OLD COLONY. Attached to each of these snperb vessel Is Fla Risiad and Orchestra.
A Concert ia given in the Grand Saloon every evening. Trains tears Boston from OLD COLONY Station, weex days, as follows: GP If FIRST SPECIAL EXPRESS ills eonnecilng with steamer due to leave Fail River st MO P. Newport about 9 F. 3L; due in New fork at 7.89 A. M.
7T Ilf SECOND SPECIAL EXPRESS JXs to Fall kivar oitAoul stop, there connecting with the steamer due to luve at 8.15 F. for New York direct; due at 7.30 A- M-8CNDAYB Train leaves Boston at 7 P. M. Steamer leaves Fall River at 8JK; Newport at 10 F. 1L; a lie In New York at 8 A.
M. hlTl'KMNG Steamers leave New York, week days, at 5.30 and 6.15 F. M. Sundays at 5X0 F. M.
Conn cilng trains due In Boston at 6-60 and 9 A. M. Annex connection to and from Brooklyn and Jersey City. Tickets, staterouma and berths seen red at No. Old State Hnust, corner of Washington end mere street and the Old Colony Station.
General Macager. Agent, 3 Old State Hosts, tc je 83 SPECIAL NOTICE. A Dniligbt Trip to New Tork through Long Island Sound will be mode by the steamer ''Pilgrim. SATURDAY. July 3.
tjy3 juSS FOR NEW YORK WEST. TOXIXG TOX LINE. BEATS IN CHAIR CARS FREE, ffirrass Dates leave Boston tc Providence Ral'road fetation daily (Sundays excepted) et 6.80 P. arriving at Stonlsgton 9.80 P. M.
and New York 8A.M. next morning. Ticket and staterooms secured at 81 Washing-ton. corner State street, aud Bustun A Providence K. R.
Station. J. W. RICHARDSON, Agent, Bostna. A.
A. FOLSOM, But. te je 1 Boston and Bangor Steamship Co. DAILY TO BANGOR AND MOUNT DESERT. wff Commencing Jace 24, 1346, CSlKk steamers will leave Foster's Wharf, lot, Auaniic avenue, dally (except Sunday) at 5 P.
for Rockland, Bangor and ail landings on Penobscot Kim. Connecting at Rockland, daily, with saloon steamer Mount Desert" for Southwest Harbor tend Bar Harbor (Mount Desert). For Green's Landing and Swan's Island, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. North Haven aud Bass Harbor, Tuesdays. 7 1 jrsday and Bntnrd-ijs.
For Northwest Harbor, Little Deer Irie, Sedgwick, Brooklln. Bluehill. Marry end Ellsworth. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. RETURNING TO BOSTON From Bangor, commencing June 86.
dolly (except Sunday), touching at intermediate landings, at 11 A.JL From Iter Harbor, doily (excent Sunday at 1P.M.; Southwest Harbor. 8 F. Si. From Swan's Island and Greens Landing, Mom days, Wednesdays and Fridays. From Boss Harbor and North Haven, Tnsadaya, Thursdays and Saturdays.
From Ellsworth. Monday. Wednesdays and Friday at 7 A. touching a intermeaiote tendings. WILLIAM H.
HILL, je 34 te General Manager. Boston. IiiMIMl, HILL D0WA1R LJNDIXG STEAMBOAT CO. ANDREW and GENERAL LINCOLN. Commend ng TUESDAY, Jtnie 15, 1880, nnats will leave Indie 11b Pier.
Boston, weather permitting, WEEK DATS. For Hrrt and Dowm Laxuixs. at 6.15. 9.40. 10.40 A.
18.40. 9.30. 3 40. 6.15. 8.15 P.
M. For Hixohak, at 6.15, 9 40. 10.40 A. 8.30, 3.40, 5.15, 615 F.M. Beturn from Histghax, at 11 LL; IS 30, 8.40.
4 AO, 685 P. M. Beturn from Dmrair Lirniyo, at 7. 7.55, 11.10 A. 18.40.
9, SAO. 5, 6X5 F. M. Return from 7.16, 8.10, 11.85 A. 13.55, 8.15.
4.05. 5.15, 650 P. S. Fare IS Cants each way. Excursion tickets down and return, with admission to Melville Garden et Downer landing.
60 cento, except on Mondays end Holidavs. For Sunday tripe see Sunday papers. je 15 tc 6. P- CUSHING. Snpt.
BOSTON AND GLOUCESTER STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Summer Arrangements for 1886. iq Commencing Jane 30, boats of this line will leave Central wb'f, Boston, -Mondays, Wcdncedaysi Fridays, NO. 3 AM. BOAT MONDAYS.
Tuesdays, LEAVE BOSTON Thwyiis, A At 11.00 A. M. and 3.15 P. H. Thursdays.
leave GLOUCESTER Saturdays, At 3.00 and 7.45 A. SI. Connecting with etages for Anuisquam, Bay Ylew. Lanes vllle, and horse ears to East Gloucester and Boss Rocks. Also making connections with railroad to Rockport and Pigeon Cove.
Single tore 60 cento: "TtiS rcrant: wt-Eastport Calais, St.John, Annapolis, Ocean Day Route to Portland. yoterndtlonal 6 B. Co.s steemere will Commercial Wlutzr, Kostou.eyerr jffiSuSjWodnesday and Friday. 8.30 A. M.
P. M-, for Eoatport and. John. Noon trains of JL A M. R.
B. connect at Portland. BOSTON AND ST. JOHN DIRECT. Steamer leaves Thursdays, 5-P.
X. BOSTON AND ANNAPOLIS. K. 8. Steamer toevasfor Dlgby and AnoMolto Mondays at 8 A.
RICHMOND, GARDINER, HAtiLiO-WELLs AND AUGUSTA bsrf every Tuesday and Friday at 6 o'clock, P. M. East Boston horse ears ran to the wharf. ap 17 H. H.
HYDE. Agent. nahantT Steamer JULIA leaves Indie Wharf, Boston, as fal- WEKDAY BnfoRAHAXT 9A5 A 3.80 end 6.00 P. M. RarraK BJOO, HjOO A M.
and 430 P. M. SUB DAYS: FOR WAHAXT IOAO A. SAO 04 630P.M. Rxtvrx 1600 M.
end SjOOP.K. FARE, 35 CENTS EACH WAY: This trip emitted Saturdays. te 15 FOB PHILADELPHIA, loaton and Pblladelpkla Stes Every WeSSSayanS Saturday. ARTAN. from Long wharf, Boston, for WKDK8DAT, JuueSO.
at 8 fTm. Passage, I (10; round trip, 816 meals and roatns inrlnrted. For freight or passage apply to R. B. SAMPSON Agent.
Long Wharf. te Jy 38 ARTISTS MATERIALS Of Every Description, at EDHANDS AIT SUPPLY ST01I, 12 Bromfleld 8treet. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. BW36t ap3 LEARNEDS SOUTH END Real Estate Agency. Bole attention given to renting, selling and management of Real Estate at South End.
P. SI' LEARNED 674 Tremont. corner Newton Struct. BWte mb 13 W1L a OODMAff A J. FBEEMAB, fifsati or thu Furchaas.
8ulo aad Lasilusl SEAL ESTATE. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED, BWte 40 Kjlbv Btkxbt. mv 87 (Jhnice lots with ocean fronton tot sale at Baas Rocks, East Gloucester; boating, bathing, fishing; surroundings first-class. jly BROWN, 48 Con Furnished cottages to rent, grass room 6' BWte ap 17 For Kale Lakeside Estate, AT GBEEHWOOD, on B. M.
B. fS) Nina rnilen from Boaton, 8 minutes walk from station; house in good order, 10 AiiilL rooms: stable, carriage and hen houses; 1 auras, beautifully laid out; fine frnlt and ornamental trees vegetable garden etc. Words cannot describe the surpassing beauty of this location, situated on the terraced banks of Crystal Lake; pins woods in close vicinity; it must lie seen to be appreciated Inks stocked with fish, and a share in tha lease ean be had If desired; low price, easy terms. Fhutv at office. Apply to THOMAS U.
HALL, 39 Court st Boston. SWto jo 6 HOUSES FOR SALE. Warren avenue, IS rooms, 10,000 Chandler 14 room. 910,500 Dartmouth place, 11 rooma, 837110 West Concord sL, 10 rooms, 89SDO Yarmouth atrwet, 1 1 rooms, B75UO Oak street, 14 rooma, S7500; Northfleid Ii rooms, 51400; Melroso G7000. J.
FRENCH A SON. jc 84 8W 886 YYanhingfou Street. BROOKLINE. TO IJEM Sereral fine honses, FDB-M8IIEI), for the SL'XXElt; also a number U5FUKMSIIED, on a LEASE. Aiiplj to L.
SHAASON DAVIS. 14 State Street. ItAMWFISt 5 LONGWOOD. FOR SALE A rery desirable estate consistiDgrof a house of 14 rooms stable and about 1 700.0 square feet of land all In perfect order, ueur ateain and horse card. Applj to L.
8HASA0A' DAVIS 14 State Street. je Id MEDFORD. An attractive estate for aaie at 6 low figure; 8ta-atorv, slat -roof houxe; 11 rooms jjand bathroom, fnrrace. yea. range, set tub, with 3 alal's end rerrtese room, clep-buerdud ei painted, with cellar; noth In good repair-gerdrn nt SO Uo feet, with fruit, shade end ornameu.
tel trees; very desirable loretion. convenient to station, churches, etc. UU. H. f'HAITN', UureM Build-Ing.
Ere situate near the batch; berges peas the door fur ell the boar. Ii. E. ABBOTT. 8 Adverttoer Building.
xvP4t jeai PORTERS STATION, CAMBRIDGE Ar) FOR SALE Modern ho uao of 12 rooms, within 5 minutes' walk of ebova ste-LILtlon: lieeutlfully ltuared corner lot of 10,000 frri. Fries very moderate and oeav Prms. Appiv to W'ALTKK llL'KliKSS. je 9 WS7t 113 Devonshire street. Boom 4.
DORCHESTER. FOR SALE Two coser house of 8 end lo rooms: stable with oee bouse. Also iiy. lew choice building lot: line louerion; two minutes from X. Y.
A N. K. Fhotogrsph and pxrtle-n of I. W. BAKKOL' 50 Meson Building.
WMc my 5 BROOKLINE. LIT A rlennt house of 15 rooms: modem C'nv-nienre cht pie reorder: excellent neighborhood IP minute trum sieem end hore cars: rent moderate. Ajplrto UEOKGK F. JOYCE. Heel Estate Agent.
Harvard square, Brookline. BWte mv 89 BEVERLY. TO LET FOR THE SUMMER A comfortable hcnseof 14 rooms: stable for mr i.iruii! pleasant rroai.ds. sbede end fruit tlutes7 elo." BRADLFY A BTORF.R. je 8s BWte.
113 Devonshlro street. GUX ROCK COTTAGE TO LET Located near Cllftnn Rouse. Merblo- rooms, fully fnratohed for housekeeping; first-rle In every respect: gus. bethroum, hot ana eld meter, set bom Is. etc.
Inquire on the premises or at 45 Milk Boom 8. Bntor. toinetojs end Sap Ill-day at 13 o'clock. BENJAMIN F. WARE.
WStc mb 17 OPPOSITE ADAMS HOUSE. A) TO LET Tbe whole, or in nurt, above store, in bnibling havlug front on Weh-X'i-t ingion street and Norfolk place: holstwav, ex-cellrn light end eir. Apply to WM. T. CLARK, my 39 W8te 113 Daroushire sireet.
Hull, Nantasket and Green Hill. FURNISHED HOUSES For the Summer, et very reasonable prices soma very til choice. H. ABBOTT. MW8 Advertiser Building.
BEACON STREET. TO LET Fully furnished, a pleasant house in perfect order, with ell modem conve- uJ BRADLEY' A 8TUKCR. je 35 IBM WGt 1 13 Devonshire street. Boylston Street.
FOR SALE A pleasant, new house, with ell modem conveniences. BRADLEY' A STORES. 5 FSMW 8t 113 Devonshlro street. tl Marlborough Street. TO LET, FURNISHED A vary slrable houso of IS rooms, on the sunny elite of ifiiiLthe struct.
BRADLEY A bl'OKER. jo 35 FKMWOt 113 Devonshire street. TO LET wnll-kno Chickeiv Ing estate et tho corner ot Perkins end Prince l-HI Jamefoe Plain. Boston. eon-taiiuug about four (4) acres of lend, cottage, lodge, stable, carriage boa so end boathouse: sold estate having a frontage on Jamaica Fond of over 800 feat; large astortmeut of fruit trees, vines, etc.
The premises may he Improved for a gentleman's residence or could lie profitably used by a nurseryman or florist. WIU be let for a term of years. JOHN KINDGE, sp 90 MWfitc 178 Devonshire street, Boston. FOR 8ALE IN WEST NEWTON 914.000 one iff the mot attractive modem i 'i tl found in this beautiful suburb: laud on about half an sere of ground (all planted) and commands extensive views; has rieetrw lights end bells, open hearths, IS rooms, besides pantries, both, ianndrv, Ae. Carpets end other fittings, all practically new.
can lie taken at a valuation If dorirod. Address W. N. Transcript Ofllee. 8WS1 ye S8 A FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET.
A house of ten rooms, on Colambns to a family of not morn than tnree parsons. The rent and 930 a month given in exchange for tne board of three adults. For particulars address V. K. B.
Transcript Office. te jo 88 ROXBURY. TO LKT Two new bouses, eleven rooms each, including billiard room; nil the modem ranvenienees: locatiim one of Hie very best in tbs Highlands. Apply at 88 Grssnrilte street. High-foiled- lttswto FIREWORKS HEYER BROS.1 22 Bummer Street 0FP08ITE JORDAN KARSH'S.
Buy sens but tbs B. 1L YV KDGER IM9HOYED FIRBWOBK8, No rccldent ever oeeerrsd from these Works. A Full Lins of All Kinds of FOURTH 0FJULY GOODS. Box Collections of FIREWORKS A SPECIALTY, At 25c, 50c, $1 S2, $3 and $5 each. Just wbst tho boys end girls want.
Any ona favoring ns with a call will receive prompt and polite attention. 6t IS 86 HIGH AHDRO M'S ANKXK-8UPPOHTXNG Roots for Child ran. Is most practical invention doss whet It claims to do, supports the ankle and keeps it and the foot te oper position. For sate at 85 Bromfleld street. 8, Boston.
BMWte my 88 EXAMINES TITLES TO REAL ESTATE, And Insures against lose by reason of defects ot title. Charges moderata and known before work to began. NATHANIEL J. BHADLEK. President.
ARNOLD A. RAND, Vies Fissuieut aad J.M.WADE, 19 Tremont 8t. Auctioneer sod Banl KstntoAg't. Coltoclion of Bento and general care of Estates a specialty. Houses for sale and to be let.
Terms liberal. JaSS aw. STuWlkt T'VOWNER LANDING. For sale, the XJ most desirable BCILDlh'G LOT at this attractive seaside resort. Price very low.
Apply to jo S3 to DA N'L A. PATCH, 109 A IU Broad at. ADMINISTRATORS SALE -or- Summer realdenco of lift Dr. 8. P.
Bartlett, on Arlington street, west side of Winchester near Arlington Hue, GVfc miles from house of IS rooms, with every muderu convenience, roii.niaiidlng the finest view to be found anywhere in this vicinity; 85 seres of land under tho highest cultivation, with every variety of trult trees. Open for inspection at all times. For terms apply to W. H. SMITH A my 88 to 835 Washington street.
MniESTKIMIV-THE-SEl. pr7 TO LET AT WEST MAN0TCE3-TKH Iluuse containing 15 rooms, supplied JlJuI- with furnace, hut and eold water. siMMkiug tubes, electric bells aud gas lighted by electricity: furnished bv Dhvcnpnrt. It to situated two intiintjs' walk from tlie railroad station and has must excellent bathing and boating facilities. Counseled with tbe house Is lares stable, with live live-toot stall; gas and water In stable; water supply abundant fur both buiiso and amble without pumping.
For further particulars apply to BRADLEY A STOKER, 113 Devonshire street. Room 5. te mb 13 FOU WALK. tFINE ESTATE IN BOSTON HIGHLANDS, UN TOWNSEND STKEK Hvtweeu Waluut avenue and Washington street. Louse, new stable and well arranged grounds, all In perfect order: the huuae contains 13 large rooms, besides bath, laundry and washrooms; new plumbing throughout entire house and s'able: the property has a frontage on Townsend street of 404 feet and contains about aquaru feet of laud; all the grounds lay high, and Iroin them can be seen many of the finest views about Huston.
For terms, apply to the owner. JulIN H. HAINES, at hia office. Room 84. Merchants' Exchange.
State street, or to k. GRAY'. MOD Washington street. till jo 84 "BROOKLINE. TO LET Fine bouse, twelve reoms, stable, billiard huuee, tennis lawn.
near steam aud horse cars. Rent low to flrsvclass tenant. II. E. ABBOTT.
MWRISt 8 Advertiser Building. FOU SALE IN MALDEN On one of the best streets, verv desirable, 3-tory. slated roof lion mi: copper rooms and lli liiiished In haul woou; laatily frrscoed; ainoio panirr aud ciuset; eot.servatory steam heat. All in ja-rfert order. Nice amble, with one box and two single stalls; ample earring- room with every convenience.
Lot contain square feet, concrete walks and driveways, eludes fruits and forest trees, grounds tastily laid out; beautiful elevation, steam ai.d horse car. I'lio'ogratib at office. E. B. NEW HALL, lu4 Washington street.
STii W' je 3d TO LET HINGMM. AS? COTTAGE ITOlSE, summer nlslrd, on high hind. 3 minutes walk to steam-Apil beat landing: beautiful neighborhood on main reid to Nautaakel Heach aud Colusset; boatlug and bathing; a fli.c llTrry stable. Apn'y to ALFUED C. HEHhEY, IS Fost Office square, Boston, or at Hing-baui.
tc je 7 TO LKT VERY minutda from llneti-n. 85 trains daily, new eottace, ill nli't-lv furnished: meals uear by If desired; extensive ground, plenty of shade and rail trees; best of hunting and bathing; neighborhood unexi-op-livnable. For pLutograuliS and lull apply to BRADLEY A STOkEU. JeS9 TuWS 113 Devonshlro sireet. HOTEL TO BE LET.
The well-known Maverick House, Kaf Boston, containing 8tS) ruonit, Ineated on M.rcr i rut re. ear tne ferry. Apply to D. H. BLANEY.
8 Winthrop Block, or to W. A. ItMITH. 13 SW9t 17 Milk street. DORCHESTER.
I LF.T iiR FDR KALE Near Dudley and Bird street smilm-a N. A N. E. R. near I'pbain's Corner horse cars, store, wl'h ail modern neighborhood rent flHI) to K7UU.
Iiiquiie uf KAMVF.L B. FIERCE. Foarl street, or ai corner of Columbia and Gieudaiu streets. 6t le Si ip TO luiKT, illXThnsiniliq irom the Mints Housufennthi. To a gent ieuiau aud wile no children), tor one year, a beautiful house, elegantly furnished; seam and horse car.
Rent Moderate, as care of the property Is more important than rest. Address L. A. Box 8005. Boston Fost Ufflce.
3:1 Je 85 MARION. AaiiL, Cottage to aet. furnlrlied. at Marion. In Buz-zaruaBay: aicttn rooms; bathiug.
baaatiuu and ashing excellent. Alro. one cottage loliy lurnlshed for liouseheeplng, to let after July 31. Apply to K. K.
RYDER. Marion. 6t Je 99 FlKMSIIED HOUSE. Ten rooms. 7-ictve grand square piano, best is-1 bard and soil water, beauuful lawn, concrete urivcsst.
stable for rhree horses. hours from Boston: eveiithli'gl first class aud can be hired for tha mouths of July. August and half of September In Merriinac, Mass; cut furnished. Je 88 8lY UKOKGE B. FREKCOTT.
tSHTFOR SALE IN new house near Bird-street station on tha N. Y. A N. E. K.K..
nine mtnutss from foot ot Summer street. Also Bna building lots In same vicinity. Inquire of W. II. BAY ARD, bp 13 te 154 Devonshire street.
Boston. 1-OU SALE At S'rawa Point, Rre, N. a delightful summer residence, lawn. etc. Iluuse r-a 13 rooms, modern arrangements.
roaii piazzas, large stablu for six borsas; finest view on ibe coast: at night seven lighthouses may oe seen. To settle estate tins property will be sold at a bargain. to J. M. WADE.
10 Tremont For terms, apply street. KTuWSt Jo 81) FARMS, HOMK8 AND KE8IDENCK8 In Plymouth County, on ajj U. R. soma near depots, some netr seashore, soma good places that rails' be sold at once at lour prices. If you want a place of any slse, some and see for yourself.
No Brokers. Easy terms. JOHN F081EK, South Hanson. Mass. Ct7 je 84 rv TO LET House on Quincy at rest, Dorchester, containing IS rooms; N.
Y. A N. E. 2L.resd, 8 minutes Irom Boston. 8 minutes from ui d-street Station; modern improvements: fruit and shade trees; rent 400- Address F.
F. SEY'KY, Quincy street, Dorchester, or 40 Essex street, Boston, te 15 TO LET IN i)OiiClIMTKlti TWO HOUSES Of sight rooms each, jj: with all modern conveniences. In excellent neighborhood, near Bird street station on the nTk. R. R.
Apply to FRANKLIN KING. 87 India street. mFOR BALE OR TO LET To thoM wishing to tans their families to tho beach House, barn. luO fruit trees In bearing; oue-of a mile from depot, stores, post ofllee, four large hotels three-quarters from tLo beach aud eight large hotels. A.
A. WELLS, Keunebuukport, Me. 8W7t Jo 19 FOR 8 ALE, H0U8ES AND LANDS. (jj Boston, Hyde Park, ftoraerrllle, nelson. Cam-iyi bridge and Dorchester.
Also summer real-eueea at North Falmouth. Catawmet Bvacb. far sale nr to let. WM. H.
CROWELL, Real Estate Agent, 30 Kilby street. Room 10. 3nij je 5 wmm aiwiaa Mopwt mmm riwrM 8133 tirovementa; spring water: beautiful grounds! pat feet order; nut 3800. K. BEM18.38 Ountral wharf.
barf, mb 89 Boston. FAMILY OF FOUR ADULTS want for tho winter or longer furnished house on Back Kay 18 or IB rooms; rant not over 1300 per annum; best of reference given. Address, stating location and terms, A. U. U.
Transcript Office. 317 jo 89 TO LET Furnished, for two months, bouse of 7 rooms will Include tho uao of fine new pinna. Apply Immediately to H. L. FOL-SBE Real Estate Agent.
jo 86 to FOR SALE OR TO LET IN MILTON, for aterm of years, house; 10 rooms; faw moments walk from steam aad horse ears. Inquire Hamilton place. Room 6, from 18 to 8. 6t1 je 95 TO LET Sli PINCKNEY STREET, jiil small house of right rooms, funises, bath, renovated: very eosey bouse tot private family. Apply to O.
B. TURN UR. jo 83 St7 18 West street. Room 83. B08T0N HIGHLANDS For sale or to ms, house No.
9 Wabou street! 10 rooms, all UL tha modern Improvements; in good repair. Ap-nTyto R. G. MOUKEOX, 8358 Washington street, boxlmiT. to ap 83 TO LET No.
142 BoyUton Straet, liii) bouse with 19 rooms, partleularly adapted a --Hphylclai or dentist Apply to MX H. SMITH Washington atraot. te my 89 TO LET Furnished Houses, 'o CLABRi SI Milk street. ilUi. Dorchester.
oTs te TO BE LET Hoaae on Pinckney family only. 1 85 (it Equitable Building. OUR AX STEAMERS TO DEPART FROR BOUTON aim vou DSTB a Aamrra Catalonia. -July 1.. Canard 88 Co Prnsauu 8.
A Alton. Knnen Julr Warren a uo Hnlgarta Inly Llneoia Oeoboionte. Liverpool 8.. Canard 88 Co Borderer Faroes Kooiau July 13.. Warren A Oo Bothnia July 15.
ll DaVeroet July a Lincoln Norseman UvarpuoL. July Warren a co Milanese July SO. Furness Brttisn Loudon July Henderson Bros Favania. July 88 Co Palestine July ST. A Oa 8toeahoua Cty.
July Purines FROM HIV TORS. lavsipoui. Julv I Lessing. ton rg. Julr I Matcot Nebraska Glasgow.
July 1 La Bourguyob July 5 Lniuna Liverpool. Julv 8 FanieMia UUuncow. ifulv 9 Cltvoi Berlin Lirernooi. Julr I Julv 3 Alter Kronen, July 3 Tlungvnlia Conennaupn July Holler dam. Jnly 3 Am warn.
Julv 3 Arisons. Li vurpooi July 6 Vvriitiol. Julr 8 If ammonia. Hamburg, uuiv 8 Loud hi. only 8 ot Chicago, Liverpool.
July 8 Egypt Liverpool. nip Lruian London. July in CHeaaeia Glasgow. July 1) Lh Champagne Havre. Julv 10 ssMssssssssMiKr6iii9iii JqIy 19 Krhwnam Amsterdam.
July 10 Antwerp. July I ii Nevada. to veruooi. July 13 ll sinon. July 14 Julv 15 l.ugto....
Hamburg. ii I 15 Stale i Indiana Uiasgow. July I rrerta Liverpool. Ju'y 17 France London. July 15 England Liverpool.
Julr 17 Persian Mosir-s London. July 17 Glasgow 17 Noru, Havre. Jnl 1 Halrii. July 17 Fu Ida. Hreinen 17 Leeroam Hottcrdatn.
July 17 Moot' July SO (Iff of Kotue July SI Tro t. Hreinen, ir 81 Hamburg. ulr 82 Celtic. Jnlv S3 Tlic wuecu Luna mi. Julr 84 8ffvto Julv 84 Grecian Monarch London Jidr 84 Aru-n nr la Glasgow.
Julv 84 Knaefia. Hamburg July 94 Znnnaam Amsterdam Jnly 84 St Havre. Julv 84 vci itol. July 87 (elicit Ilxmburg. Jnl 89 Labrador Havre, July SI FOREIGN MAILS.
Fov Cuba by rail to Tampa. and thence by reamer tie Roy West. ohm at this offted daily at For i. crops, via Oueenatown and Liverpool, per steamer liritannlc, I rum New York, Wednesday, une SO. 7 30 F.
M. pnr tin- Mexh-an Stale of Turaran. Campeln. Tabasco and Chiapas, via Vera Cruz; also specially ad-dmwil rurtrspoMlvnes f.a other Mexican Slate, per steamer Lit Alexandria, from New fork. Wednesday.
Juua PI. at 7 JHI F. M. For Hennnda. per steamer Flambornugh, from New I orb.
Wednesday. June 30, at 7.30 p. M. For Hayn. per steamer Andes, from New York, Wednesday.
June SO. at 7-SllF. M. blHClally addressed eorrsupoudoncd for Enrops. via (Jinwnaiown and Liverpool, per steamer Catahmia.
from Boston. Thursday. Juiyl, BIIL30A.M. hup-pienirntarj mall at SJU A. M.
For knrnpe. via Queenstown and Liverpool, per steamer L'moria. from Now Tors. Friday. July 8.
at 3 P. 8. For Korops, via Qrioenstowu and Liverpool, om steamer Lnv ot Benia, from New York. Friday, July 9. at 7 JO F.
M. For Ut-rnutuy. Austria. Denmark. Sweden and N'nr way.
also specially addressed correspondence fur Great Hi I tain aud other Eunipeau countries, via buuthampton and llremeu. per steamer Alter, from New York. Friday. July 3. at 8 F.
M. Cur krai. re turret, via llavra. per steamer (to Bour-gnynejtrom New York. Fraley.
Jaly 3. at 3 P. M. hrecialir addressed correspondence for Norway, via Lueei-lewi- and Liverpool, per sleaiuer Thingvalla. trum N'ew York.
Friday. July 8 at 7.80 F. M. For Belgium dlreel specially addressed only), per steamer Feuulana, from New York. Friday.
July 3. at 3 P.M. For Scotland direct fsportalle addressed onlvl. per steamer urucssia, from New York. Friday.
July 3, at 3 P. M. For Netherlands, via R-rtterdsm Jspecisl'v addressed only I. per steamer P. Calaud, trum New York.
Friday. July 3 P. M. Fur Jamaica and the Tatted States of ColomMs. Central America sod the South Paelfle puns, via Kingston, also specially addressed rorrespondum-o fur Mexico, neraicwuier Kdlth Uoddcu, from Now Yura.
Friday. July 8. at 7.30 p. M. For tbe West Indies els 8t.
Thomas and Barbadies. also for Y'enezuela and Lumens via lisrbadoe. aim fur Brazil and the Is Plain countries via Brazil, per reamer Fiueueu. Iroui New York. Friday, July 3 at 3 P.
M. Fur Kept' bile of Honduras and liar Islands, via New Orleans, bandar. Juiy 4JU 3 P- M. Fpr British iinuaura. GuairinaU and Repuh'l nf via New Orleans.
Sunday. July 4, at 3 P.M CV Oats and hour mean era Una, ot ulosiud at the Poet OKca. Boston. Maas. TRANS-PACIFIC MAILS.
For Japan. Shanghai. Hong Kong and dependent ('liiiiete ports, per sleaiuer from San Francisco about Juy 10. Fur Hrittoh Columbia via Tlptoria. pur atuamar from San Francisco auont July IU.
Per tha Hawaiian Kingdom par steamer from San Francisco aouutju'r 15. Foi Tahiti and Marquesas Island, per ship Tropic Bird, from nan Pranelaeo about July Si. RT Letters for tbs Pacific sioa'uor should bs 4e-po-ited In the Hoetao Fust Udlre gbt or ulus days before tho sailing ol the steamer. ALMANAC WkUPkPDAT. Jl'Xk 30 Sex Risks 4 ll iMoox Runs, Ki KgTS.a 7 84 I i.
i Lxxuth nr 16 IS I rrLfc 3 08 AM 11 45 AX on rx fTransrript JHarint Journal. 10 KT or BOSTON Wednesday. June 30 AKRIYED YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. Steamer Camberlana. Thompson, Bt John, NB.vto Kaaugjri and Fottiaud- cutter Gallatin.
Grover, from a erulss. Brig John hear. Lome. Koutb Amboy. Hr cn Ale.
Tower. 8t John. NB. tier Uni, Y' Drisco (of Machine). Smith, Port Royal, SC.
10 days. 8cfa Oe.iigle Dickson. Harding. Norf.ilk. 8cn Bcniy 8 Culver.
Crowley. Ucnrgetoan DC Ken Charles Lawrence. Tavlnr. PMiaduipB a. 8cb Laviula I ainiibel ail.
Philadelphia. Ken Georgia. Ciftiu. Fnllaaio'phl. 8ch APby Weld.
Fearahy. KiMport- 8rh James Deputy. McMehuu. Balh. 8cb Julia.
Bans, Furtlana. CLEARED YE8TERDAT AFTERNOON. Steamer Haytlaa Republic, Compton. Turks Island, by If Morse. Nurweuian stsamcr l.udvlg Hnlbcrg.
Hongs. Banco. i-y Keaveru Co; i Corypueno. Umn. New 1 era LUieolt to: Hr schs Miuuis May.
McLeod. Geuigeu'wu. PLl Ba-etoy A i'unhoiuio. Trahan. Tucket.
N. Hall A Uo: Hsrah Glass. Hooper, fur Kt KtejJiena. NB. Batnewav A LO: loua.Eagau, 8ack-r ills.
by tbe same. BAILED Testernav. steamer Lancaster. Phllsdsl- Ebto barqno Memory; brig Jonas Rem. Kluctrie ight, him Lily.
DUMMSTIU PUKII. APALACniCOLA Ar ZBth. bsrqua Alloo Dicker-man Cub New Orleans. Bal.TlMOKR 88th. stsamers Millar, By.
Bar. Huston. Berkanire, March, Providence; barque Julia Kclilns. Nnrtn. Rio Jsnairn.
CM 8Vtn ecb Mary Beragaa. Galva'ton. GALYKMTON At Stfth. sen Auuie a Millard, Stool-man Bnlttmnro. CM ferae Oem.
Bray. Pensacola. NEW BEDFORD cid 8ih. sen Lotile Board, Var-qnano, 8r Helena ai Kabenda-stn YOaK Ar 90 h. steamer CM toel.
Item Port Lunnn: ach Uharlcb Woleiou, illnckiey. Bruna- 8bth. aMp New (Ttv. Bray. Amsterdam: baraao Magnolia, Forest Chaplin: Laura A usrtrude, Uill-inan.
HaiuLarg (and sldl. KM8Pib, siwnwi Wyoming. Liverpool: Otllleo. Bulls Lutetto. Baraeoa: Gtaueu.
B-wtua; hln Mua-kola. Batavia; bsiquvS TopoaLdo; Auua. Bu.dsvall: Kerrs Batavia FBI LADRLFB I A Ar 89th. fetrqi-o Lonlse. KMIson.
from Bamfeurg. CM SVth, brig Carolina Gray. Fllisfcury, 8t Thomas. RORRIGH FORTS. KM fm Leghorn Jnas 85, barque Annita Manottl, LegorM.
Bsm. at Kuweastlo. Eng. 88th, steamer Queen, from New Yore Para Jane 8ih, steamer Amaaonenae, from Now Aral Ancklsnd. NZ Sfftb.
st-amr Mariposa. Bay-ward, Baa Francisco for Sydney. K6W, Ar at Cardenas kOib. baiqn Chnrlo Loilng. The- Havana 87th, barqno Havana Klee.
York. Ar In Malanias 88d. rq a Jose Mors. Leonhard, Row Vera. legal Notices.
-VOT1CK 18 HEREBY GIVEN That the subscriber land been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of EDWIN A. BLI88, tats of Boston, tn tho County of Suffolk, deceased, and baa taken mpon himself that trust by giving bonds as tbo Mw direct. All persona baring damauds against tne estate of said imred to exhibit tbo sumo; and all deceased are raqi persons indebted to said estate are called upon to HORACE D. BRADBURY, Administrator. Boston, Juua 83.
1888. W3H jo 337 PICTURE FRAMING EDXAXDS ART SUPPLT STORE. IB Bromfiolff Btrnot fiend for Illustrated Catalogue. 8W88t del 8IIjKNI MKW YKMT. BaltabM for km lawn parties, to let; also smaller tenia, by BAM CEL ti, PRINCE.
175 Uoumeretel street. Butou. BWTbfitl S3 F0KHG3 SUMMAKY. Lord Salisbury's Denial. Lord Salisbury, in speech la London last evening, said that he discussed the question of autonomy with Lord Carnarvon two days before the latter had his interview irith Mr.
Parnell, and that he Salisbury, emphatically assured Lord Carnarvon tbat the Govern mont could not possibly entertain the proposition to grant Ireland autonomy. Lord Salisbury said that he wished to repel Mr. GU da tone's suggestion that Lord Carnarvon bad done anything not consistent with the most scrupulous honor. Lord Carnarvon informed him Salisbury of what liad passed In the Interview with Mr. Parnell, the information exactly coinciding with Carnarvons statement in the House of Lords.
He Salisbury told Carnarvon in the interview with him tlis' hie objection was so strong that even if the Conservatives adopted a policy in favor of a Parliament in Goblin lie would refuse to join the ministry. He defied Mr. Parnell to give the slightest proof of liia slanderous assertions regarding Lord Randolph Churchill, who had never varied in unroanging hostility to the idea of aa Irish legislature. There was no ground to aa that Carnarvon resigned because he was pledged to other than the Government's policy. His Salisbury's statements were supported by hie fourteen colleagues.
He criticised Mr. Gladstone's habit of leaviag loopholes through which to escape from every position he assumed." Mr. Gladstone, he said, had tried to palm a miserable travesty of history upon hia Liverpool audiences. Mr. Gladstones letter offering to assist the Conservative Government in nettling the Irish question did not mention home rule.
He Salisbury, after meditation, regarded It as another loophole. Mr. Gladstone now confessed that he had not said a word against home role for thirteen yean. Yet he allowed hie colleagues pledge themaelvee to the hilt in defence of united Parliament. The only way in which the question could be settled wee by continuing the process of union until the Irish welcomed it as the Scotch did.
Mr. Gladstone Lad tenght many splvndul thinjpi, but whet Le taught most was tbat England could be squeezed when Ireland chose. The Bonnblick Observatory. lYhat will be the highest observatory in Europe is now being erected on the 8onn-bliok, one of the heights of that portion of the Tyrolese Alps the highest summits of wbidh are the Growglocfcner, the Wien bach-horn and the Hobs Narr. The Sonnblick (tan glance) is mountain 10,000 feet high.
Its summit is leas difficult of access than those of some of its neighbors, and its suitableness for the erection of observatory was first pointed out to meteorologists by Mr. Kojacher, a gentleman owning the Bau riser Goldberg, whose private residence and mines are situate on the slopes of the Bonnblick ft a height of over 5000 feet. From this spot wire rope way, need chiefly for the purposes of toe mires, but also practicable for passengers, leads up to height of nearly 8000 feet. Here a home has been erected for about twenty miners, who reside there also during winter. Thence the summit of the Bonnblick is reached by an easy ascent over a glacier in three honrs.
The descent over this glacier luay be made in low sledges in fifteen minutes. The observatory now being erected on the summit, which looks like black spot when viewed from the Kauris Valley, from which the Bonnblick rises like precipitous wall 3000 feet high, will consist of block-house, flunked by massive stone turret forty feet high. To guard against the frightful storms raging round the snmmit. tho walls of the tower bare been made of an enormous thickness, and the block-house. is strengthened by being anchored to the rock by steel win cables.
Wood has been chosen for the construction of the house, because ft keeps out cold better than stone, the cold being most Intense in mid-winter in that exposed position. Tbo house contains two living rooms one for the resident observer, the other for such scientific men as may ascend daring favorable weather with view of carrying on their experiments. The walla of the house are panelled Inside with wood, and covered neatly onteide by wood shingles. The tower the observatory proper will le fitted with all the instruments nsed ia meteorological science. Aa there la great danger to the building from the terrific thunderstorms which rage round the summit, the observatory is protected not only Men and Women who are constantly nervon" ate.
In nineteen eases out ot twenty, dy-peptic, ha twentieth ease will be found, upon investigation, to bo ttast of a person who is troubled with syuiptouia of Indigestion. Thinness, nnnatnrad anxiety, peevishness, bussing in the ears, a disposition to start on tha Sadden closing iff a door, rremnlansoeaa of tlia bands mots particularly of tba right show that tho nerves ora weak and unsteady. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters strengthens mod qnlets tho nerves. This effect la a speedy consequence of iu Invigorating and reznlaung action upon the organs of digestion and assimilation. It enriches tha blood, conquers a chronic tendency to biliousness, relievos sick and nervous headaches, sod regulates the bowels without grlifing them.
A nude trustworthy defence against fever and ague does not exitr, and it sulKiuea a tendency to rheumatism, kidney and bladder derangement. Taken before retiring. It Induces sound repuoe. 4Srtiral. CIIAPOTEAUT'8 WINE OF PEPTONE Nourishes tbo nek and convalescent without fatigue to etemaeb.
Such Is tho problem resolved bv this delicious Bilinear, which contains bv Bordeaux glass measure IU grammes of beef went entirely digested also assimilable and deprived ot noa digestible particles. It acts as repairer la all affections of the stomach, fiver sad luteailuea. difficult digeetioa, disgust or food, anemia, enervation caused by ramors. cancerous affect tons, dysentery, frver. diabetes, and la all cases whM-h Imnose the necessity of uonrhhtng tlao sick consampuveo, and sustaining their strength by a rccoesDtettiur aliment rm possible to bo sapplied by extracts, concentrated broths and taw meat.
Tbs Chapetraot Winn Is the nalrtiif par excellence for tan ages and for children: It aacmentc tba nehnoas of milk la Borneo. Faria, r. Vivienne. FWImmhi KE-KO Relieves Palaral Joints, Burning, Aching, Tender aad I'm piling Feet by retneviiig morbid heat and restoring a nalaral circulation, lam induced to place Ke-ko before the nubile by tbe anlrermal praise of It by wit patients, who have nsed It for years. It relieves that Intense burning ana gala almost Immediately.
la some cases the rest require special treatment, which can bo had at my sales, where I attend to ail trouble of tbe Ink FOB IALI BT DRUGGISTS. Fries fiOo aad 81, Dr. D. C. GOODALK, Chiropodist, Winter street.
Boston. Mass. N. H. Oat this oat lor reference, as It may not appear dally.
jeffAAA10.1t.l.lfciajidAaiffA0 lot EXCLISOflilP BOOKS FOR MIMED PIIOTOGRAPIIS. J. L. FA1R6AKKB. 1M Washington street.