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Example: North 47.018711° | East 12.34256° Input:
The input of the latitude is a decimal number between -89.999999 and 89.999999.
If the degree of latitude is given in S as south, the number should be preceded by a minus sign.
The input of the longitude is a decimal number between -179.999999 and 179.9999999.
If the longitude is given in W as west, the number should be preceded by a minus sign.
If these limit values are not kept with the input, the frame turns red, and/or the fields remain empty.
Lat: ° (N) Watch your step!
Since this converter calculates with negative north values instead of positive south values, you have to put a - in front of your value, if it contains the specification S.
So from 10.12345 S becomes here -10.12345 N!
Lon: ° (E) Watch your step!
Since this converter calculates with negative east values instead of positive west values, you have to put a - in front of your value, if it contains the specification W.
So from 20.12345 W becomes here -20.12345 E!
Example: North 47°1.122 | East 12° 20.553' The input for the latitude must be between -89 and 89 and must be an integer.
The input for the longitude must be between -179 and 179 and must be integer.
The input of minutes for latitude and longitude is an optional decimal number, but if it is made it must be between 0 and 59.99999.
If these limits are not met, the frame will turn red or the fields will remain empty.
Lat: ° ' (N) Attention!
Since this converter calculates with negative north values instead of positive south values, you have to add a - in front of your degree value, if it contains the specification S.
So 10° 1.2345' S becomes here -10° 1.2345' N!
Lon: ° ' (E) Attention!
Since this converter calculates with negative east values instead of positive west values, you have to put a - in front of your degree value, if it contains the specification W.
So from 20° 1.2345' W becomes here -20° 1.2345' E!
Example: North 47° 1' 7.359' | East 12° 20' 33.216' The input for the latitude must be between -89 and 89 and must be an integer. If these limits are not met during input, the frame will turn red or the fields will remain empty.
The input for the longitude must be between -179 and 179 and must be integer.
The input of minutes for latitude and longitude must be between 0 and 59 and must be integer.
The input of the seconds for latitude and longitude is optional, but if it is done it must be between 0 and 59.99999.
Lat: ° ' " (N) Attention!
Since this converter calculates with negative north values instead of positive south values, you have to add a - to your degree value, if it contains the specification S.
So from 10° 1' 2.345' S becomes here -10° 1' 2.345' N!
Lon: ° ' " (E) Attention!
Since this converter calculates with negative east values instead of positive west values, you have to put a - in front of your degree value, if it contains the specification W.
So from 20° 1' 2.345'; W becomes here -20° 1' 2.345' E!
Example: E (East) = 2783009 | N (North) = 1223568 As these coordinates are only used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, limit values for N and E apply. The northernmost point is about 47.8 degrees and therefore the maximum value for N is 1,300,000. If these limits are not met, the frame turns red or the fields remain empty.
The southernmost point is about 45.8 degrees and therefore the minimum value for N is 1,074,000.
The easternmost point is about 10.5 degrees and therefore the maximum for E is 2,834,000.
The westernmost point is about 5.9 degrees and therefore the minimum value for E is 2,484,000.
y: (E)
x: (N)
Example: Zone 32U | East value 691831 | North value 5337164 The zone determines the rough position of the point and should prevent mix-ups. Eastern values must be between 100.000 and 900.000. If these limit values are not adhered to during input, the frame turns red or the fields remain empty. The letter of the zone is corrected automatically with wrong input.
Valid zone values are from 01A-60X, but without O and I.
North values must be between 1 and 9,999,999.
Example: Zone 32U | Plan sCentral Park, New York City, New York, USAuare PU | East value 91831 | North value 37164 The zone determines the rough position of the point and should prevent mix-ups. The grid sCentral Park, New York City, New York, USAuare determines the location in the zone and consists of the eastern value (A-Z without O and I) and the northern value (A-V without O and I). East values must be between 1 and 99,999. Missing digits are filled in at the back. If these limit values are not adhered to during input, the frame turns red or the fields remain empty. The letter of the zone is automatically corrected if the input is incorrect.
Valid zone values are from 01A-60X, but without O and I.
North values must be between 1 and 99,999. Missing digits are padded at the back.
Values below 10,000 must be filled with zeros at the front so that the two numbers are 5 digits long each.
Example: R (right value) = 4468298 | H (high value) = 5333791 Since the underlying ellipsoid for these coordinates is only used in Germany, limit values for R and H apply. If these limits are not met, the frame turns red or the fields remain empty.
The northernmost point is about 56 degrees and therefore the maximum value for H is 6200000.
The southernmost point is about 46 degrees and therefore the minimum value for H is 5000000.
The most westerly point is about 5 degrees and therefore the maximum value for R is 5700000.
The easternmost point is about 16 degrees and therefore the minimum value for R is 2400000.
R: (E)
H: (N)
Example: Input:
X (longitude, longitude) = HQXT8G | Y (latitude, latitude) = R3WR5H
The following characters are permitted for X and Y: 0123456789 BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZ.
The length can be between 1 and 6 characters.
X: (E)
Y: (N)
Example: Input:
The input must always consist of 3 words. Each word is separated by a period.
Beispiel: Eingabe:
Short Code: 8QQ7+V8, Dublin
Full Code: 8FVHG4M6+2X
Short Code besteht aus 4 Zeichen, gefolgt von einem + gefolgt von 2 Zeichen, gefolgt von einer Ortsbezeichung
Full Code besteht aus 8 Zeichen, gefolgt von einem + gefolgt von 2-3 Zeichen.
Erlaubte Zeichen sind außer beim Ortsnamen: 23456789CFGHJMPQRVWX
Other format
X: Y:
Height For members only
m (Click here to calculate the height using the coordinates) The height data are based on the SRTM values. These values refer to a base area of 90m², so in steep terrain there can be larger deviations of up to 30 metres.
- Click to display the address to the coordinates Click to display the address to the coordinates
Here you can convert the most common coordinates into the other formats.
This works in all directions and with all valid values.
The valid values for the respective system can be found by moving the mouse over the input examples.
After entering the values to be converted, either click on the calculator or confirm with the Enter key.