Fig Allergic reactions - Nutrition | (2024)

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Fig Allergic reactions - Nutrition | (1)

Allergies occur due to hypersensitivity of the immune system to substances in the environment that is normally harmless. There are four different kinds of hypersensitivity. Types I-III are antibody mediated. Antibodies, also called immunoglobulins, recognize antigens, foreign substances that induce an immune reaction in the body. Antigens that provoke an allergic reaction are called allergens. The five major immunoglobulin classes, or isotypes, found in serum are IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM. Most allergies fall under the type I hypersensitivity category. This type of hypersensitivity manifests quickly, so it is also called an immediate hypersensitivity. It occurs thanks to IgE antibodies, so it is also called IgE-mediated hypersensitivity..
IgE binds to the FcƐ receptor, which is found on mast cells and basophils. When an antigen binds to IgE specific to itself, it cross-links these receptors, activates the cell, and this induces release of chemical mediators from the mast cells which lead to allergic disease..
However, before you can have an allergic response to a substance, you need to be exposed and sensitized to it via the production of IgE antibodies specific to it. It is the re-exposure to the same stimulus after the production of IgE that causes the allergic response. Note that you may or may not be sensitized to a substance the first time you are exposed to it! And even not every sensitization will lead to symptomatic allergic responses. The IgE is produced by B-cells after they class-switch, usually from producing IgM antibodies..
How does sensitization work? Upon exposure to an antigen, the immune response that leads to IgE production is driven mostly by two kinds of signals. One involves signals favouring differentiation of T-cells into the TH2 phenotype. Th1 and Th2 are two classes of helper T-cells. Th1 cells generate responses against bacteria and viruses that are intracellular pathogens, while Th2 mounts responses against extracellular parasites. The other kind of signal involves cytokines (IL-4 and IL-13) and signals from TH2 cells that stimulate B-cells to class switch, changing their antibody production to the production of IgE, and amplifies the TH2 response. Dendritic cells, which are a type of antigen-presenting cell, ingest the antigen. They then travel to the lymph node to prime T-cells. The dendritic cell presents the antigen on a MHC class II protein. Once it finds a naïve T-cell built to recognize the antigen, it can prime it so that it will differentiate. Note that the T-cell is naïve because it has never recognized the antigen before, however, of the enormous variety of naïve T-cells hanging around, this specific one is a match for that antigen before it ever makes contact with it..
The differentiation of T-cells into a TH2 phenotype as opposed to a different phenotype depends on the cytokines it’s exposed to before and during antigen presentation by dendritic cells, as well as the antigen itself, its dose, and the route of presentation. Cytokines favouring the development of TH2 cells include IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, and IL-13. IL-4 or IL-13 are also the first signal that causes class switching of B-cells to IgE production. Note that mast cells and basophils can also promote the production of IgE by B cells. Mast cells and basophils express the high-affinity IgE receptor FcƐ receptor on their surfaces. They are activated by an antigen crosslinking IgE bound to these receptors. This causes them to degranulate, releasing preformed granules with histamine, which makes you itchy, and other pharmacological mediators. It also makes them synthesize prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and platelet-activating factor. They then express cell-surface CD40 ligand and secrete IL-4. This allows them to contribute to further class-switching of B-cells..
Another means of amplification of the allergic reaction is capture of IgE by the FcƐ receptor on dendritic cells. These IgEs are a perfect trap for the antigen, and the dendritic cell can now process it more efficiently to present it to more naïve T-cells. The immediate reaction caused by the degranulation of mast cells is followed by sustained inflammation, which results from recruitment of additional Th2 cells, eosinophils, and basophils..
So, if IgE causes so much trouble, why do we have it? IgE evolved primarily to help with adaptive immunity against parasitic worm infection, which is common in developing countries. In industrialized parts of the world however, the prevalence of these parasitic worms is low and so IgE mostly causes trouble with allergies. The immune system’s defenses against multicellular parasites are, as you’d expect, stationed where these organisms are likely to enter the body. Hence, these defenses are located under the skin and in the mucosal tissues of the gut and airways. The immune cells located in these regions are specialized to secrete cytokines promoting TH2 responses.

Video taken from the channel: Neural Academy

All you need to know about Ficus Lyrata Fiddle Leaf Fig

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Fig Allergic reactions - Nutrition | (2)

All you need to know about Ficus Lyrata Fiddle Leaf Fig

Video taken from the channel: Swedish Plantguys

No Nut Allergy! | Operation Ouch | Science for Kids

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She is getting tested to see if she has nut allergies..
Operation Ouch is a science show for kids that is full of experiments and biological learnings. In this educational TV show, twin brothers Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand do science experiments for kids, to explain us how the human body with all its different parts and systems works, and how medicine and medical procedures can help. Biology for kids in a fun format!
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Lots of science projects to take a deeper look at the human body. Body parts and systems covered including:
Nervous system.
Cardiovascular system.
Blood Pressure.
Human Skin.
Bruises and Blisters.
Stretch Marks.
Immune system.
Bacteria & Infections.
Skeletal system.
Human Head.
Endocrine system.
#Operation Ouch #ScienceForKids

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Hygiene Hypothesis and Food Allergies

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Justine Keebler’s son, Cole, suffers from peanut allergies. It started out with Cole refusing to eat anything with peanuts in it, but persistent coughing at night caused them to seek the help of a specialist. With all allergies significantly increasing, several theories have come about. The hygiene hypothesis is the belief that western societies are essentially too clean, so instead of our bodies fighting off infections they are now fighting off formerly benign foods. Video by Raising Arizona Kids Dec 2013

Video taken from the channel: Banner Health

Hypersensitivity reactions| type 1, type 2, type 3 and type 4 hypersensitivity

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Lecture on Hypersensitivity reaction -This lecture explains about the four different types of hypersensitivity reactions Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 and type 4 hypersensitivity which are the manifestation of allergy..
This video explains
type 1 hypersensitivity the cause and effect in body.
type 2 hypersensitivity the cause and effect in body.
type 3 hypersensitivity the cause and effect in body.
type 4 hypersensitivity the cause and effect in body.
Before describing the mechanisms involved in allergic reactions, we will review a general scheme of classification of immune reactions proposed almost fifty years ago by Gell and Coombs. While this scheme is quite dated in many respects, it remains widely used and can be helpful in understanding the relationships between different immune reactions,.
Under this scheme, all immune reactions are classified into one of four headings known as Types I, II, III, and IV..
Type I hypersensitivity reactions include all of immediate hypersensitivity, the allergic reactions we will cover in detail in this chapter. They are mostly IgE-mediated (although other Ig classes may sometimes participate), and their rapid onset, typically within minutes of exposure to antigen, is characteristic..
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Why Fresh Figs Burn your Mouth and Irritate Your Skin

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John from answers the question why fresh figs burn your mouth and irritate your skin. In this episode John will talk about why figs burn your tongue, lips, gums and mouth. After watching this episode you will learn how to minimize the burn, as well as how you may be able to use the fig latex to remove warts or corns.

Video taken from the channel: okraw

Operation Ouch Alarming Allergies | Immune System

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Subscribe to the Operation Ouch official channel! Click here:
Watch this educational video on all types of food allergies!
You can buy the book here and download the series here
Operation Ouch is packed with incredible facts about the human body and fronted by identical twins Dr.Chris and Dr. Xand van Tulleken who experiment and explore their way through the fascinating world of medicine and biology…
This series will de-mistify hospitals for younger viewers; no longer will the hospital be a “scary” place to go as we learn all the exciting things that go on there. Chris and Xand will let the viewer into their exclusive world of medicine and explain the awesome things our bodies can do! #OperationOuch #ScienceForKids

Video taken from the channel: Operation Ouch

Fig Allergy Symptoms Cross Allergies. Foods that have identical elements or proteins like fig may trigger reaction, which include banyan, Diagnosis. Just by browsing the web you can’t determine the specific allergen. For that you must reach doctor or Preventing Fig Allergy.

Avoiding the food.Allergies. People who are sensitive to mulberry, natural rubber latex, or weeping fig might have allergic reactions to fig. Diabetes. Fig might lower blood sugar.

Fig allergy rash may come from contact with the latex of unripe fig fruits which is usually made into a powder to be used for making meat tender, clarifying beverages, and rendering fat. Rash will appear as a result of irritation which has been a big problem for fig harvesters.RATIONALE: Fig (Ficus carica) fruit reactions have been described in the context of ‘latex-fruit’ OAS associated with sensitization and cross-reactivity to weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) latex and natural rubber latex. Other forms of fig allergy have rarely been reported. We describe a case of acute contact urticaria to fig (F. carica).

The ficus (Ficus Benjamina) is an evergreen plant. It is also popularly known as weeping fig or Benjamin’s fig. The allergens come from the milky sap that can be found on the leaves of the plant.

The sap attaches itself to dust particles, and that is the reason it has become known as an allergen.Ficus pumila allergy. An_258481 posted: I have had a severe reaction to contact with the roots of a creeping fig (Ficus pumila). This plant is commonly sold as a ground cover.

It is much like the reaction I had to poison ivy. Exposed Sunday afternoon, Monday arm looked sunburned, Tuesday arm swollen and more individual spot developed on hand.Fig Trees & Itch Itchy Latex. The unpleasant side effects of fig trees range from mild to severe. Figs contain latex, which can cause Rashes and Blisters.

Phytodermatitis is a more severe possible reaction to figs. It ranges from a slight burn to bad Case Study. Dr. José G. B. Derraik wrote in.Nut Allergy If you suffer from a nut allergy, strictly avoiding nuts, including peanuts and tree nuts like cashews and walnuts, and food containing nuts is the only way to prevent a reaction.

Reactions to figs are most strongly associated with Ficus benjamina allergy, although severe systemic reactions after intake of dried figs have also been reported [87, 88]. Almost 90 % of patients with allergic reactions to fruit — past or present — had a.The ficus (or weeping fig) is a hugely popular choice for indoor greenery, so homeowners may be surprised to learn that it can irritate allergies. The plant’s sap and leaves harbor dust particles.

Allergy to figs is rare, as this fruit contains a very small amount of essential oils. However, some people, due to certain features, after eating figs can observe the appearance of a negative reaction of the organism. Figs have an excellent nutritional value, it includes a large number of vitamins, trace elements, essential amino acids, protein.Some people, especially those who are allergic to latex or tree and grass pollens, might also react to kiwi fruit, figs, papaya, passion fruit, bananas, peaches and nectarines, to name just a few.Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) is a common food-related allergy that develops in adults. OAS is connected to environmental allergies, such as hay fever.

Find out symptoms, treatments, and foods to.Ficus plants contain proteins similar to latex. For people sensitive to latex, these proteins can cause wheezing and asthma or asthma-like symptoms. According to the NC State University Extensio.

Allergies. Some people may be allergic to figs. Researchers in Vienna found that a high percentage of people allergic to birch pollen had positive skin allergy tests to fresh figs.

List of related literature:

Mild allergy symptoms include the appearance of raised patches on the skin (wheals) with itching, commonly known as hives (Fig. 1.18).

Fig Allergic reactions - Nutrition | (8)
fromPharmacology for the Surgical Technologist E-Book
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Elsevier Health Sciences, 2019

J Allergy Clin Immunol 120:1132–1138 Pastorello EA, Pravettoni V, Farioli L, Rivolta F, Conti A, Ispano Metal (2002) Hypersensitivity to mugwort (artemisia vulgaris) in patients with peach allergy is due to a common lipid transfer protein allergen and is often without clinical expression.

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Individuals who suffer from different allergies, for example asthma, hay fever, allergic dermatitis or food allergies, such as to avocado, strawberry, banana and chestnuts, can develop latex allergies quickly (Katz 2005).

Fig Allergic reactions - Nutrition | (10)
fromPerioperative Practice at a Glance
by Paul Wicker
Wiley, 2015

Nayak AS, Philip G, Lu S, et al: Efficacy and tolerability of montelukast alone or in combination with loratadine in seasonal allergic rhinitis: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial performed in the fall, Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 88:592, 2002.

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fromWilderness Medicine E-Book: Expert Consult Premium Edition Enhanced Online Features
by Paul S. Auerbach
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2011

Examples of type I reactions include anaphylaxis and allergic asthma (discussed in Chapter 30); atopic allergies such as hay fever and allergic rhinitis; and allergies to substances such as latex, bee venom, peanuts, iodine, shellfish, drugs, and thousands of other environmental allergens.

Fig Allergic reactions - Nutrition | (12)
fromMedical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, Single Volume
by Donna D. Ignatavicius, M. Linda Workman, PhD, RN, FAAN
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2015

Common allergens are shown in Fig. 12.7.

Fig Allergic reactions - Nutrition | (13)
fromCrash Course Haematology and Immunology E-Book
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AIT targets the underlying mechanisms of allergic diseases and is known to alter disease Fig. 32.3 Basics of allergen-specific immunotherapy.

Fig Allergic reactions - Nutrition | (14)
fromAll Around the Nose: Basic Science, Diseases and Surgical Management
by Cemal Cingi, Nuray Bayar Muluk
Springer International Publishing, 2019

The scientific, orthodox allergists, who worked primarily with molds, dusts, grasses and pollens, required an allergen-antibody reaction as a basis for diagnosis.

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fromAllergies Disease in Disguise: How to Heal Your Allergic Condition Permanently and Naturally
by Carolee Bateson-Koch
Books Alive, 2003

Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 77:423–427 Bousquet J, Fontez A, Aznar R, et al. (1987) Combination of passive and active immunization in honeybee venom immunotherpy.

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fromHandbook of Occupational Dermatology
by Lasse Kanerva, P. Elsner, et. al.
Springer, 2000

Pauli G, Bessot JC, Dietemann-Molard A, et al 1985 Celery sensitivity: clinical and immunological correlations with pollen allergy.

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fromThe Western Herbal Tradition E-Book: 2000 years of medicinal plant knowledge
by Graeme Tobyn, Alison Denham, et. al.
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2010

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Fig Allergic reactions - Nutrition | (2024)
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