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- Johnson City Chroniclei
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PACE FOUR Johnson city chronicle Saturday Morning- September 10 1938 i "ARMS PROBLEM! (Efjrmtirlr Slants And Man About Manhattarrro PrM toy pea Faun 1(20 full'lth Mfh nierniwg mornmg cmbm4 wun Th PRESS Inc Wt CITt TENNT HARKJUnER Prol4nl CA A J''N ES Vk-Prl4nt an Trourr CARE a Jon'ES Jr SimIdos XIntr CaLFCC RSiior s-' TELSFHOKFS Vulnm ij Kw Entc-d pot cine Johnaon City clan mail mator Mtmbar Ataoclatad Pt-taa an Audit iuraau af Clrculatlftna i SUBSCRIPTION RATE Crrtr in Johnaon City Pally and Sunday Tor Ixliy and Sunday 1 Wk Daily Only 1 Waak By Alt-11 Advanca) all Sunday Dally and Sunday 4 Monlha Pally and Sunday I Month Th Aaaoalatad Praa I aiclualvtly tor publication of all rawa dUpatahaa Bat j'8rl cradled In thla pa par and alia th newa or aponeaoua orlt In publlahad (laral cT a i itl rl By GEORGE TUCKER NEW The wailing moan of a clarinet insinuates itself into the shrill mixed confusion of Manhattan after dark What does this mean? ask foolish questions honey You know Ted Lewi 4s in-town as weU-as I do You see Ted Lewi one day and goes out of town and maybe six months liter you run into him in Omaha or Pierre or Macon big towns and little and always he packs them I think if you analyze it you will find that Ted is the only big name attraction that was famous 20 years ago who still flies high without benefit of the cinema or radio I think he did make a picture once And now and then you ick him up on the airways But there is never a sustained program He never receives the push of a coast-to-coast publicity campaign such as the movies put on ut Ted Lewis goes on dragging down his $5000 a week How does he do it? He sing a lick and yet who can sell a song better than Ted Lewis? Siegel calls this "synchronizing personality to A1 Siegel says anybody can tell song whether you can sing or not if you adapt the song to your personality You usr listen to Siegal when he makes statements like this because he has had too much success to discount him He found Ethel Merman at a party one night tinging She was terrible end no one paid any atten- tion to the broken-hearted girl who embarrassed waa gobbing b- hind the piano when Siegel found her So Siegel said a i I tell And she listened to him He taught her a style that suited her personality Another of finds is Dorothy Lamour Still another is Martha Raye His latest Is Patricia Ellis whom you will find at th Casa Manana op the sam bill with Ted Lewis But we digress Consider the success the late McIntyre enjoyed He never got away from the homey qualities Yet Ted home town of Clrcleville Ohio is just a 'famous a ia Ohio town He will tell you a farmer at heart You ought to aee my farm near His old battered high hat with the silver lining is ai much a symbol as Charlie mustache or nose It sit at a perilously rakish angle as always on the head that was once black but now is quite gray But Ted still has all of his hair He has his pep and hia enthusiasm He always gives the old college try By LEWIS LA WES (War6n ef Sing ting Arisen Marie Barberi beautiful and revengeful atalked th floor of her small flat wielding a ranor at an unseen individual and muttering imprecation in her native tongue 'Til fix him" the acreechr do this to me" Then placing the razor in her pockelbook and putting on her hat and coat ahe dashed out of th room Sometime later Dominick Cataldo playing card with toms cronies was aurprlsed to hear tl named howled from the doorway He looked around In time to aee Marie advancing on him with the razor it blade gleaming in the light Dominick Jumped quickly to hi feet but not quickly enough to beat the accurateatrok of Mari' descending arm He staggered around Wien stood stock still a moment though something had Just dawned on him dead!" he screamed and slid to the floor Dominick proved to be no prevaricator for when police arrived he waa indeed quite dead Marla had performed her taik efficiently and thoroughly Investigation of the affair led to the positive identification of her as the assassin by friends Th police therefor had only to visit th apartment where Marie and Dominick had been living as man and wife without th benefit of clergy to piece Marl under arrest "He said that if I would live with him he would marry me in church" Marie told the officers "But the longer we were together th leas he talked about marriage I told him I did not like being a commonlaw wife and that unless he married me at once I would leave him" "Whst did he to that?" a detective questioned "Huh?" he told me am no pig and only pigs marry You are a pig'" Mari continued "I could not let him call me a pig so I took hli razor and cut hi throat But" ahe explained "I did not mean to kill him I Just wanted to hurt him a little" The law decided that Marl had hurt Domi- nick considerably- Her trial waa brief The Jury deliberated scarcely an hour when they reached the conclusion that no matter what the character of the deceased Dominick was he was dead and that Marie must die in the electric chair for murder She was remanded to th Tomb to await transfer to Sing Sing Then the atom broke A bright young reporter figured out that Maria Barberi would be the first woman to die in the electric chair and the pres boiled with indignation Is cruel and Inhuman to electrocute- a woman" editorial insisted and many persons took up battle' For weeks the paper carried the story of her "betrayal" and the heartlesanesi of a State that would "kill a woman" Dominick the victim had faded from the picture except to be cited here and there as a villain who deserved exactly what he got Petition were circulated and cam to the State capital in bundle but to no avail Governor Morton refused to intercede or to interfere with the jury's However for technical reasons the Court of Appeals granted Marie new trial Suddenly from an unknown Marie became a celebrity overnight The second trial bore the air of a festival Collections which had been taken up to provide a defense brought in their wake experts of every deaoriptlon Doctor lawyers and alienist wrangled for days over sanity before the case finally went to the jury No time was wasted in lengthy deliberation by tills body of men Within a half hour they filed back into the jury box "Not guilty!" the foreman exclaimed and Mari kissed everyone from the prosecutor down to the court at- tendanta and spectators Onca a nonentity Mari Barberi had now become a publio figure and many offer to appear hi shows museums and at public benefit! poured into her home The fact that "advertising pays" 'was never more thoroughly demonstrated than when Marie Barberi waa publicized to fame nd fortune for committing an unwarranted act Of Others 8110 Tana cond Suburb M0 11 a 10 SO ItH antltlad to th ua cradltad to tr Views The Great Game Of Politics eo By FRANK KENT 1 Now that the Nevada primaries have been held and th President has made his punitive expedition into Maryland it seems worth while to check up on the great What are the results to date and what the prospects? It will be recalled that last year among the Democratic Senators who opposed the President's court-packing plan were nine who had to run for tion this year These included hands of the traditional GIVE TO THE COMMUNITY CHEST Next Monday th Johnson City Community Chert will inaugurate IU 1038 campaign The budget for this year has been established et 020000 Howard Phillips director-general said "nothing short will do th Job" Three canvasses ere combined In on In th 1938 Community Chest drive The Boy Scout the Girl Scout an ddedo they will not have to make aeparate campaigns The charitable agencies in the cheat me being completely reerganired to effect greater effi- cieney in the dispensation of assistance At least 325 unfortunate people without governmental agencies upon which to must rely upon the Cheat They will not starve but will be good citizen as result of the Chest help With th budget set at $20000 that mean fifty per cent more funds than you provided Us year-therefor everyone of us must increase our subscription fifty per cent ebove last year' The Chest is the best plan for handling the human needs of any community It restrains un-- worthy agencies controls agency spending end thereby secures protection to which donors are entitled It affords the best plan for raising the fund-one campaign for being much better than teveial rarppaigna each going out to solicit non of them doing thorough Job of Jt The Chest Idea arouses In individuals and promotes in th community the following: neigh-barlines and tolerance unselfish Interest In our fellowmen the impulse- to supply human needs of others cooperation In charitable welfare character-building work and faith hope and charity It is a human trait that consciously or otherwise we want fo atay away from human misery end yet deep within the heert ot every person is the desire to be helpful 1 la not only th desire but th duty of everyone to give to those less fortunate than he Most of the money raised goes to bring relief to the poor and unfortunates Some la used to develop the character of our youth thereby protecting our future value Every penny goes to benefit Johnson City as a whole! Material aid to many in distress emergency relief and care of the helpless receives thirty per cent of the budget At least 325 Johnson Citians our neighbors are in desperate human for no government I provision city county state or federal exist upon which they may depend The Chest alone meet their needs Aid to transient cases various welfare work supply of food in fact th traditional guiding hand to th disconsolate and homeless will receive fifteen per cent Free milk and other food to the under-nourished children a life-saving heaHh-gusrdng effort gets another five per cent The development of more than 600 Girl boon ts along emotional moral mental and social lines to the end that there may result a finer womanhood receives fifteen per cent Likewise preparation of our boys as Soouta and good accomplished by placing them In actual environment of civic responsibility and building up th true character receives twelve and one-half per cent The amall balance goes for shrinkage unforeseen contingencies and the like Give your share next pledge one per cent of your income per month tor six months Be a so that you will be proud of eur 1938 gift to the Johnsoh City Community Chest! Angles By FINLEY CURTIS The little girl wanted to know if "they wss any mail" reply ef "Not a thing Honey" daunt her She wanted to know persistently if: "Weil is they any for Aunt Lucy or for Granny?" Finally she ran out of names and went slowly Iway from the window The little girl was qot a patron" of the post office We claim to -render satisfactory service What shall we do about it? A fellow referring the other day to a recent passage "Slant and Angies" about a rertaln description of natural beauty wanted to know if I had been reading Bob Taylor "No" I told him "You never did return the book containing his choice orations which I lodbed you two years ago" The voice sounded rather militant as he said: going to clean up th He waa the Janitor A fellow who worked at the "plant" pulled a few loose coins out of his pocket and aald to ua: here how thia stuff being down there that My compan ion laughed big: "No wonder your money get he said you get hold of a nickel you turn it loose! I spend my money so fast it don't have time 'to turn'" Of course he Just said that for but it's true for most of us I guess it would be a sight to look at a tiny portion of a dollar bill under a powerful I mean the germs anfl everything which are apt to be crawling around on it It's called "filthy but then that' Just name It aeem to mean much I know of a eingl person anywhere who acta the least bit hesitant when it comes to handling paper money on account of "germs" Two farmers were standing on the corner They were talking about crops and the weather One opined: been ao wet and backward ail summer that I know whether we're to make anything or not But I alwaya allow th Old Man Above knows what He's doin' I know I want His Job after the weather I even please folks with what little I do" A mighty pretty girl came in and asked If I knew whether Tom was going drive" I suppose ahe meant back and forth to school maybe at Johnson City I told her And I thought probably he If he knew you wanted to ride In the front seat with him every day Th fairly good-looking black haired black-eyed scamp! (I say I merely thought that) the doctor said give you some medicine It do you any good if you take it And it won't hurt you if you do take it" The patient wanted to know: "But what about it helping me?" The doctor assured him: on the label" In a hour by talking with people on can gather enough digestible matter to write about for a whole day Nearly everything a person says can be enlarged to represent something important or interesting If you believe it simply listen to the next man or woman or child you meet I mean you do the listening As 1 was going home today an old gentleman rising with obvious effort from a task at the mouth of an alley asked me how I would like to have his job wouldn't like it Uncle" I said "It look too hot for He was moving a load of coal in a wheelbarrow back to his woodshed it is mighty hot work now but it be long before all be sitting around the stove and warming by he reminded me By the way I happened to think as I went on my empty The only man I know who would be the least interested in that fact is the coal dealerl am positive he would like to know Just how much black carbon it would take to fill the bin and when 1 wanted it delivered I sauntered up to the car which was filled with vibrant boys and girls going places They were waiting on one more girl to com out of the -drugstore She would Occupy the last bit of space re quired to constitute a load The horn began to tell her to hurry Places was an ideal spot down the road The occasion was a wiener roast There were other carloads already gone Others still not collected far cried: Oh I bft you wunt to write some and about 1 had no such thought in mind at the time In fact 1 thought of it only a minutes ago And this is the next After the wonderful time they ill had last night After the near tragedy which almost overtook the happy home-returning occupants of one of the cars A turn in the road Another car which swerved too close scraped the fender of the car pushed it off the road and turned it over One girls arm cut Others shocked Nobody hurt It might have been different Too often such things ARE different "It could happen to would be a sobering thought to ride along with It wouldn't be a very comforting thought but it would tend to govern the mysterious stream of action which flows from the wall of the Subconscious necessarily dampen the ardor of gay young spirits shouldn't grow into an anxiety neurosis No But it would be a sobering thought to ride along with just the same The all Thcre'a place to go things to do when one gets to the place There's home to return to AH thece objectives constitute a trip It i trip only if It is completed must drive He who drives must be responsible for his passenger It IS a reiponsibility His business driving That means NO drinking for him That means he must be LET alone That means he should at all time keep awake and keep cool head Let him feel responsible The "ride" isn't all a place to go a home to return to -r e' Democrat of the Garner Harrison type that the views of Democrat like Qlass and Byrd of Virginia will be sought and heeded that the Brain Trust boys at the White House will be impotent that the day of New Deal domination will have ended and a return to the principles of the dishonored 1932 platform be certain In brief the complete failure of the definitely means that in 1940 Mr Roosevelt will neither name the candidate nor mold the platform And there is another point the significance of the success of the seven eight or nina Democrats who voted against the court-packing bill is increased by the defeat of Mr McAdoo in California and Mr Pope in who voted for it And there is the further fact that the Only thing that has saved Senator Guffey of Pennsylvania who first publicly announced the from being purged himself is 'that he was out the by his own organization Kingsport Mail Order Bride Sues For Divorce KINGSPORT Tenn Sept 9 UP) Mrs Winnie Breeding Cregger filed suit for divorce in chancery court today against Cregger 47-year-old foundry worker whom she married last January after Cregger inserted an advertisement in a local newspaper seeking a wife- The bill charges "cruel and inhuman treatment by threatening abusing and cursing her and failure to provide during the pe riod they had lived together" Cregger father of grown children and Mrs Breeding widow of Moccasin Gap Va were married last January 24 Shortly after the marriage Miss Mary Lamb 23-year-old Bean Station Tenn poet and song writer filed suit against Cregger asking $50000 for alleged breach of promise A law court jury later awarded her a $1000 judgment Miss Lambe contended Cregger married Mrs Breeding after promising to marry her and that his refusal to marry her "greatly humiliated her in th eyes of her friends and the Kegro Plaints Against TV A Given Full Airing CHATTANOOGA Sept 9 His inquiry into charges of discrimination against negro workers at Chickamauga dam completed Gordon Clapp TV A personnel director prepared today a transcript of testimony to be presented before the TVA congressional investigating committee Held behind closed doors the hearing was ordered by the committee after it had heart! the charges advanced by Charles Houston Special counsel for the NaUonal' Association for the Advancement 'of Colored People Other thin saying it proceeded "satisfactorily" Clapp declined te comment on the inquiry He did add that each of the approximately 10 cases under scrutiny ere considered individually Explaining the secret hearing he said th committee had ordered him taka this testimony and submit th record of it After that 1 suppose the record will be mad public but I think I should take it upon myself to make these hearings public" 't of Veterans Facility 06 MOUNTAIN HOME Sept Ben Walker Arkansas who claim the whittling championship of that state said he is leaving the Home Monday and returning to Arkansas John Wood labor foreman received treatment today at the hospital for a bruised left arm While wrecking a house on the newly-acquired Sidney street property a bar fell striking his arm and rtomach ha reported Talking pictures for Saturday Feature Merry Go with Phil Regan and Ann Dvorak short news Showings at 1 3:15 and 7:15 Baseball ia scheduled for Satur day afternoon on the local diamond Harry Ellis recreational director announced today Charles Young was admitted to the hospital suffering from a 'possible fractured right shoulder today He said he received the in jury while trying to board i freight train William Furches farm to-market road worker was treated in hospital for a fractured right hand Claude Vineyard plasterer 501 Lamont street entered the hospital today to receive treatment for an infected hand His hand became infected after blisters formed on it a the result of pushing a trowel he reported Ten Years AgoToday from the files of Johnson City Chronicle The home of Dr Jones was entered by thieves who took a small sum of money Coach Robinson announced 1928 football practice for East Tennessee State Teachers college with what appears th best prospects in several years Roy Gray 17 of 702 Buffalo street was Injured while playing on a Clinchfield railroad switch engine He was given emergency treatment at Appalachian hospital Mr and Mrs Cargllle and and daughter Martha have returned from a motor trip through the Shenandoah Valley to-Richmond and other Virginia points Dean Boyd announcing Milligan college's opening said "everything points toi most active and successful year every department of college Mrs Hall and Misses Mildred and Bobby Hall 424 Lamont street returned from a visit with relatives in Bluefield Va and Radford Va Home For Pupil Sought By Local Welfare Unit Johnson City's office of the Tennessee Welfare Commission said yesterday it is seeking a home for a 16-year-old high school senior described as intelligent' and deserted by her The- girl is eager to finish high school and become self-supporting welfare officials said She is willing to work night and morning in some Johnson City home needing the services of toil girl and willing to give super Vision and understanding guidance should communicate at once with the welfare office" an official commented turkey has new stamps ISTANBUL -Turkey is to issue ten million postage stamp this summer to mark the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Latin alphabet in place of the Arab characters formerly used through' out the country I think it will be sad day indeed when old Dr Sunshine ddes to turn hi band over to someone else and seek the comfort of his Buckeye farm Maybe he ever do this I have a hunch that he Twenty years of roaming up and down country sleeping In elegant hotels sleep- ing in drafty hotels eating in rad-road stations dining in exclusive clubs shaking hands with bums shaking hands with big shot does something to a man that he ever quite shake off Good fire horses are like that They ever quit till they drop in their harness I was walking in 50th street the other night and the nostalgic wail of a clarinet came floating out into the street The wind caught it and blew it back into Seventh avenue I followed and walked through a door and Ted Lewis was there showing the boys how it was done Mighty glad to have you back Ted Stay a long time And when you go away stay only a little while and then hurry back Power Line Sabotage Darkens 11 Districts -o Adams of Colorado Lonergan of Connecticut Clark of Missouri: Van Nuys of Indiana Gillette of Iowa Smith of South Carolina: McCarren of Nevada Tydings of Maryland and George of Georgia Most of these Senators had still further aroused White House resentment by refusal to vote for th reorganization bill through opposition to a renewal of Federal pump-priming and exhibitions of distaste for other governmental policies It was for the liquidation of these nine that Sen-tor Guffey called in a Senate speech last summer They were marked for slaughter at the White House Spokesmen of the Administration repeatedly asserted that they had betreryed the people In all the New Deal propaganda they led the black list as the first of th "traitors" to be The violence of the New Deal resentment and the extent to which Mr Roosevelt has gone in th effort to drive these nine Senators out of public life have given their primaries real national significance The original plan w3 to purge all nine but the strength of several such as Clark in Missouri and Adams in Colorado was such as to make an open fight futile and the idea was abandoned Thia does not alter the facts that they were upon the original list marked for "liquidation" that the White House desired their defeat and did everything possible to encourage opposition After fully a year during which its hostility has been demonstrated openly in some cases and covert lv in others the net mult has been the renomination of seven of the listed for liquidation to wit Gillette Clark Smith Van Nuys' Adams McCarran and Lonergan There remain only two Senator George of Georgia for whose defeat Mr Roosevelt personally and boldly appealed and the other Senator Tydings of Maryland into whose State he came on Labor Day accompanied by his opponent Congressman Lewis that astute Master of Jobholders Mr James A Farley and various aides and advisers The indications are that in Maryland and Georgia the President will not prevail and that Senator Tydings and Senator George will be renominated But whether they are or not it is clear the has already failed Seven have been sustained by their constituents The other two probably will be In that event the failure will be complete and overwhelming instead ot merely decisive and emphatic In that event certain things about 1940 will be so clear that no on can mistake them For example if as a result of the all nine or even a majority say five or six of these independent Democratic Senators had been defeated th New Deal control of the party convention 1940 would hare been conceded It would have been clear that the Democratic voters wanted a continuation- of Roosevelt leadership and no change in direction It would hare meant complete New Deal domination of the next session of Congress too It would hare justified the claim of the radical White House group that ail the voter needed to punish those who refused to follow Mr Roosevelt was opportunity All that being true It is equally clear that the success of seven or eight all of those listed for defeat will have quie the opposite effect It means that the Democratic party 1940 again will be the CHATTANOOGA Sept 9 WV-The dynamiting of a 44000-volt transmission line last night Ten- nessee Electric Power Company officials said today plunged 11 mid-state communities into darkness County officials reached the scene of the blast near Milky Way farm in Gilea county within 30 -minutes after it occurrence but-reported that an intensive search and the blocking of roads brought no clue as to the identity of those responsible The utility which has been deadlocked with an AFL union over the strike of a number of linemen said another transmission line from Ocoee dam to Chattanooga near Cleveland also was "sabotaged" but service was not interrupted Damage to the facilities cam after a non-striking employe charged he had been attacked by two strikers her during the afternoon AH three men were arrested I AROILSAND POLITICS The parole system in Alabama has been under fir for some years the charge being open and insistent that grave abuses have developed The Huntsville Times disrusses the matter with marked candor Says that newspaper "The traffic in paroles tor convicts has been on of the least praiseworthy features of the Graves administration "A clique of insiders has beeti able to work wonders for those who had the necessary fee to pay for their services and for their influence with the executive office at Montgomery "Parole and pardons however have not been issued as a rule until a man was convicted and sometime even went torrisonr' It is tru that some of these stayed only a few week or months while other returned shortly after incarceration "Bi something of a record was aet last week at Gadsden when a sixty-day parole was granted by Governor Graves to a man charged with driving an automobile while intoxicated before hi case had been set for trial on the court docket! "A Gadsden City Commissioner obtained th parole "The parole abuse has been pretty widely stretched in Alabama but it is being carried too far when a man ia given his freedom before he is even tried or Nashville Banner OUR SIDEWALK'S Older residents of Johnson City can probably remember when they had to use board sidewalks or places no sidewalk of any description now have long bands of concrete aide-walks sti etching to all corner of the city which is a notable advancement over earlier days However the surface of some of our local sidewalks would make a pedestrian think he waa walking in the mud and water of a quarter of a century ago Some of our downtown sidewalk have such a rough chipped holes broken edge and sunken slabs that a person finds it difficult to walk een in clear weather After a rain water stand In low place and broken spot lor hours Pedestrians may be teen hopping and skipping from one dry spot to another Portions of them are rendered entirely unfit lor unlest you wear rubber boot The city has a luxury that ia undesirable to use in bad weather It appears that minor attention from th street department would repair these walks in first class condition' Many of the sidewalks could be leveled off Others could be drained so as to make them more usable Such a Step we know would be gieatly apprf dated not only by Johnson CiUsiu but by th visiting tourist and shopping trade Kingsport Men Held In Wreck Investigation KINGSPORT Sept 9 Fred Hutson and Jack Bolton Kingsport men are being held by Taze-ft'ell Va authorities pending investigation into a taxi wreck in which Myrtle Whittel of Nicholas-vilie Va was seriously injured A Andes Virginia state trooper quoted Bolton as sayi Hutson unemployed taxi driver forced him at knife point to surrender the ft heel of the cab ft'hich Wrecked within mile Hutson Andes added was taken into custody at a Bluefield Va hospital after being discharged following an examination No formal charges hare been placed against the Kingsport residents AUTHORIZES GRANTS WASHINGTON Sept 9 on The public works administration authorized grant! of $4666397 and loans of $68000 today for 61 additional non-federal project estimated to cost $10369650 list brought the total of federal and non-federal project to 5881 and the estimated construction eost to $1377488739 NO EXCISES The week-end Labor Day holiday will create a direct test of both public respect for automobile traffic regulations and of the attitude of officials toward enforcement The highway patrol ahenffs office and police men ahould be extraordinarily on the alert on account of the certain increased traffic to arrtst persons driving recklessly or hen drunk The drunken driver Is peril number one of the highway and regardless of political financial or social pull should be arrested His place is behind the Nash viil Banner NO CITY TAXES TO PAY Johnson or any other Appalachian could take heed of the ecu on of the city eouncilmea of Peru Indiana For the first time irt history Peru will have no city taxes next year Councilmen figured earnings of the city light plant state funds and a balance expected at the end of this year would take care of next $107352 budget That's quite a difference from a tax rate of $3 o-- Extending eocial security to housemaids is ail right with the little woman but ahe want to know why her new set of dishes be in eluded too A fashion reagazme predicts styles for fall will have "that squared look" But they still probably will eost a round sum.
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