The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)

PCTOBER 21, 1938 THF MONROE (L Al NEWS ST A rmv. rr.TVEN GATTG BRUNNER Haynesville Rallies And MAY BE PICKED Swamps Neville, 32 To 7 ON AIL-AMERICA U. Lineman And Tuiane Sack Outstanding Performers In Southeastern Golden Tornado Comes To Life After Tigers Gain 7 To 6 Advantage CARNEGIE TILT WITH IRISH AT HEAD OF LIST MOORE GIVEN POSITION FOR I 3 MORE YEARS Poorest Dressed Star In Golf Abandons That Role UNDERDOG ALSO HAS PROBLEMS HAYNESVILLE, La, Oct 21 Spe- meeung stubborn for two full periods and dropping behind in the third quarter, the Haynesville Golden Tornado suddenly came to life to four touchdowns in rapid succession and defeated the (2L Caaaps Invasion Of west To Play Michigan State Assumes Importance New Contract Sets At Rest Rumors That gcrs Were Seeking New Coach Samuel Jackson Snead, I Gotham For Move Short, Becomes Fashion Platt faui Mi NT-W HARNESS HORSES ESTABLISH FIVE WORLD RECORDS Carreqle Coach Laments His Team Is A'ways Expected To Upset Irish rrmtfttrfK of an un 1 By Kenneth Gregory ATLANTA, Oct season roll call of outstanding gridiron performers Southeastern con- High school of Monroe, ranks furnished ample proof 32 to 7, here Thursday night. that it will be a acrap for Neville looked impressive as the places on the all-star team to be opened by reeling off three first named in December. downs in Quick order only to bog Early reports from observers of down an ten yard Hne, games played already brought to hand Within striking distance of the classy srrav of prospects for the nado goal the attempted a eleven.

No poaition was lack- field goal, but the kick was in candidates for the honor roil The remainder of thehalf a lineup NevuUe definitely There was one carry-over from the 1937 team, big Eddie Gatto, Louisiana State tackle, and if the 205-pound bulwark of the Tiger line Maintains the play he has shown in games thus far having the edge on the locals in passing and running until the last few minutes of the second quarter, when the Tornado got possession of the hall on 35. A short pass and a series of line plays picked up 20 yards, and then Lawless went over for At ItRN AUBURN, Oct 21 Jack Meagher empheaired a passing attack Thursday as Auburn a Plainsmen drilled for the Georgia lech game, coining up in Atlanta Saturday. Half the drill period was spent in viewing Tech plays as run by the fresh, and the remainder of the afternoon in offensive ork The first ram in weeks caused the Plainsmen to work out on a muddy field. The will light workout in Atlanta Friday, after leaving here Friday morning A lot of log len the tide he will not only be hard lo keep off the conference eleven but is likely Haynesville initial touchdown go gain all-America honois. White's kick for the point was blocked At this stage of the gridiron and 8 to 0, for the Southeastern has two other Haynesville.

for the all-America team gut Neville came back looking more George Cafego, Tennessee's ace impressive than ever the second Warren (Bronco) Brun- half, only to crack up after taking the Iter, great halfback. These iead. Receiving the kickoff in the players have only to maintain the third period, the mixed offen- pace already set to receive serious give of aerials and line smashes and gonstfderation. ALABAMA TUSCALOOSA. Ala Ori 21 weather found the Alabama football team displaying new dash and spirit Thursday, when Coach Frank Thom sent the squad through the first brisk workout of the eek for Sewanee.

The Tide still worked without Billy Slemons, right halfback, hindered by an ankle injury. Perron Shoemaker, who dislocated wrist in the Tennessee game, continued to watch practice from the sidelines. By Rdf Bonl NEW YORK, Oct 21 this week-end's mere prom; ball were left in the other-bell-game status of last receded. But that tide also washed up another batch of games which take on added importance. No, 1 in the latter category Is clash between Notre and Carnegie Tech at South Bend.

It is the day's only major meeting of unbeaten and one that was given a very helpful boo when Carnegie Tech broke a Holy Ctosi winning streak tnat stretched back IKK. By Waiker BATON ItOUGS Oct. State univeniily The I Kern ptae feeth newii gave Be to at foe The Syracuse invasion of the middle west to play Michigan State siao jumped into the forefront afte the laat-quartcr touchdown with which Sidat-Smgh broujji from behind to beat Corne upset of Columbia had a feet on the Red Raiders City to plav Iowa The same thing true of this Syracuse Colgate tnilar to Iowa being Moore han $10,006. There is an overflow of fine ball terriers in the conference, numbering among them all scholastic classes well as triple-threats. The end runs carried the ball steadily down the field to cross the Haynesville goal.

The Bengals converted the point to take a 7 to 6 lead. Then the aroused Tornado sudden- week battles between and Mich- GEORGIA TT.t igan, Vandr; and State. ATLANTA, Oct. and Princeton and Navy. Yale and more yardage-gaming power and Princeton both upeet the form charts especially a scoring punch, which has to whip Navy and Pennsylvania, re whde the all-star team is extremely ly came to life, and the Neville aggre- been lacking in games played Georgia spectively.

whde Van-- i likely to produce close balloting. gation was helpless for the remainder coaches experimented Thursday through 11 the fad ng beat Barrett Booth of Louisiana State. Lunsford Hollins of VandeTbilt and Kimble Bradley of Mississippi, all sen- jkirs, are the mid-season ranking candidates for the quarterbacking berth. AH have performed capably under lire. Sophomore Neil Csvette of Georgia Tech has shown promise.

Besides Brunner and Cafego. the I leading halfbacks on early returns are Hoy Huggins, Vanderbilt sophomore; Guy (Cotton) Milner of Louisiana State; Herky Moseley of Alabama; Spec Kelly of Auburn; Sonny Bruce, Mississippi State sophomore; Billy Gibson of Georgia Tech; Parker Hal! of the game. With Lawless. Maxwell and Smith carrying the ball on running plays, and a few well placed passes to F. Hall and Bourn, the Golden Boys soon scored a second touchdown to jump out in front again.

But the Tornado stop. A few minutes later White crashed the Neville line to score from the 25-yard line. Another counter followed when Heard intercepted a pass on Neville 20 and raced back for the fourth touchdown The final touchdown was scored by Maxwell through the Tiger lme from the five-yard stripe The visitors attempted 40 passes. with several backfield combinations in the last heavy drill preparatory to Saturday's encounter with the Auburn Plainsmen. Bobby Beers, a speedy triple-threat halfback, will probably see more action against Auburn than in any game to date.

Beers looked good in scrimmage, running well and connect- ing with passes. Juno Page is likely to bear the brunt of the fullbacking duties in order to give Howard Ector, who played practically all of the Notre Dame and Duke games a needed rest, Other shifts will find Billy Gibson a Mississippi team that, its opening game, had knocked off L. S. U. Illinois' defeat by Notre Dame and Northwestern scoreless tic with Ohio State dropped their game out the first flight, but that mean it will be a dull contest, Fordham's deadlock with Puidue and Oregon defeat by Stanford a i robbed their meeting of of its The annual battle between Harvard and Dartmouth will find the undefeated Indians strong favorites.

Yet Harvard's fine stand against Army, and Dick reputation for surprising the best rivals, to give another good line on the true Mississippi and Dameron Davis of I completing 15 of them. Vaughan and Earl probably djtng duty 0f Dartmouth. 1 Psyie, on the tossing end of at or more Whfby JKjBncky. Others gaining mention for their play thus far included John Crabtree of Louisiana State; Harry Hays. Buddy Banker and Fred Cassibry of Tuiane; fames H.

Stell and Charley Erdman pWpf Louisiana State; George Zivich of Alabama; Dick McGowen, Auburn; Bar! Hise of Georgia; Bob Foxx and Bob Andridge, Tennessee sophomores; Carl Combs of Kentucky and Jack ffix of Mississippi State. Howard Ector of Georgia Tech, who calk the Engineer signals from the fullback position and plays with little relief, is one of the outstanding candidates for that berth. Leonard Coffin an, the line-plunger who scored both touchdowns against Alabamk, Jim Fordham of Georgia and Charley Holm of Alabama are other fullbacks mentioned in the early fe ports. Like the backfield, the line has a fine list of names on file, with Gatto heading the parade. There are several other tackles who have caught the aye, notably Ray Miller of Tuiane, Maurice Holdgraf, a Vanderbilt sophomore; Fred Davis of Alabama, Glenn lushing and Walter Rimmer of Geor- ia Tech, Ben Friend of Louisiana State, Bud Gray of Mississippi State end Bo Russell of Auburn.

Ken Kavanaugh, who as a Louisiana State sophomore grabbed a good share heaves, was surprisingly accurate as I one of Tech's best runners and Gibson he fired away iu efforts to put his a teammates out in front, but his re- mibmmippi ceivers missed many that should have nuts been completed. UNIVERSITY, Oct The Neville line also played good Coach Harry Mehre, suffer mg from ball and was able to open holes for a severe cold, wmre an overcoat Tours- good gains only to have their efforts d3y as he sent the University of Mis- halted by a stiffening Tornado de- giasippi Rebels through a heavy run- fense after the invaders were in strik- ning and passing drill, ing distance. The Tornado aa teams tried a running attack to stop every threat except the one touchdown drive. RUTH THROUGH FOR TIME BEIHG that appeared fair against the freshmen. In passing, Parker short tosses to Quarter Bradley and Fullback Tillman were consistent another Ivy league game, between Penn and Columbia, that lost prominence when both ere upset last Saturday Yet it will be interesting to see which team can bounce back the faster.

Though Pittsburgh will be an overwhelming choice to whip Southern Methodist, interest in this game will hinge on whether the Panthers really decide to feed S. M. U. some of its favorite forward-pass mg medicine. And while California will be the favorite over Washington, there remain those who hope the Huskies, three times beaten and once tied, will yet show why they were installed as pre-season favorites for Pacific coast honors.

Other games of intere-t on the week-end card are Friday night's Babe Has No Intention Of Taking Job That Definitely Big Time TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE, Oct. 21 -(V) Volunteers completed preparations Thursday for their scrap meeting of Temple and unbeaten Boswith The Citadel Saturday in a long ton college, and Saturday rites of drill that featured offensive line Holy Cross and undefeated Georgia, charging and dummy defense against I Oklahoma and Nebraska and Iowa State and Kansas in crucial Big Six I his contract 1 un.veiwfv horn Moore a uary 1 hm year contract expire; tract will expire Jan The Hoard's action iered rumors that for a new roach tc One report Maj University of TeniM approached for land denied it The tenevied ciai support to Moot missing Young Busse halfback, firm the 1 mg tram mg rules. President James Moore's present rate maintained, but reveal how much Me It as reported, how eve an annual salary of mow possibly as high as SI2 Sports circles agree Moore was hired at 17,000 annual salary 1135 but was raised each time he won the Southeastern conference gnd championship, in 193 and 1936 Moore also is head track at S. his Bayou Bengal cinder team having won tr.e national inter, collegiate Pack and field championship in 1933.

Remuneration for track and football coaching bring salary, according to reports, to between $10,000 and year, A tip-off on what L. thinks of its football coach came from Athletic Director T. P. Heard Wednesday ught "The record of the past three veers, while Moore has been at L. S.

show been the best coach in the Southeastern conferencr Heard said well satisfied with his wotk here coached at Sewanee end Mercer before coming to L. S. 1928 as line coach Moore became head track coach here 1930. since having developed six Southeastern conference championship track teams ax w'ell ss winning the national tratk championship, and, in 1935, was head football coach to Biff Jam s. His L.

S. U. football teams have won 30 regularly-scneduled games, tied one and lost only three postseason efforts have been losing lhrge times in the New Orleans Sugar Bowl. The S. U.

coach, learning contract had been renewed, said; am very happy that my set vices are satisfactory to the authorities and it beg, tutti ng g.df So put n. tttW im, two rowel 1 Deeds rtpl 1 i hh fcb a land k.fciS a l-lt 1 ta ilh we! ai waa sough Running ir tow he ito Mr St Yfaci an act ali tht io lent off 1 tion in dte- star for doing Sei ber. he mvi ice storied to him peradi ted ua concoct a i i tht cd South said dei would that And when to improve i ms a mAm ray iis man ti ht i to from Sulphur 1 foe Jock lent 9QSt avSverhl From the drugs golfer the wofi Island movie lot course, where they to take some of iron IS to the Sam dropped ti.e first 1 the hole, the second "Cut' cried the di the fastest shot of mv Next, they asked 30-foot putt. To the ever except Sen dropped the first two a hollered again the went ft I thence art up him I estesi Long golf fresi lowered eeteed iV in so effort to I five fast se Rven though HQ foot (r- the pen nd died itlrr the prt nfl up i hi I shall continue to serve the univa sity to the best of my ability NEW YORK. Oct.

21 all intents and purposes, Babe Ruth is through with vice versa fat least for the time being). You hear talk and rumors that the big fellow quit his coaching job with passes. Coach Bob Neyland tcok charge of the and spurred them along with frequent individual bouquets. All players, with the possible exception of Joe Little, center, will be ready for Saturdays game. Little received a bruised shoulder in the Alabama melee.

tilts. Georgia Tech and Auburn, Rice and Texas, unbeaten Baylor and Texas A. and Stanford and Southern California, and unbeaten Santa Clara and Arkansas, CHANGES LOOM FOR DEMON TILT the Brooklyn Dodgers to land another in jeer, is one of the leading candidates again. Ralph Wenzel, also a junior, lias been a mainstay at that position MISSISSIPPI STATE PITTSBURGH, Oct. L.

S. U. TAPERS OFF FOR VANDY BATTLE Tech Coach Indicates That Altered Lineup May Be Used At State Fair for Tuiane. Others getting early yanking are Bowden Wyatt of Tennessee, Marvin Franklin of Vanderbilt and George Smith of Georgia JTech. Soldom does a sophomore crash the all-star team but Tennessee has a pair of first-year guards who have plugged gaps in the forward wall with everything to be asked.

They are Bob Suffridge and Ed Molinski. Georgia Tech has three fine guards in Junior -n 8S has been hinted, the American association. But right wintry change, 36 members now you can take the oabe word for (hp Miasissippi State football team it, he has no immediate prospects 0 arrjVC(j Thursday for their intersec- a return to the game he pul ed to Uonai with Duquesne university million dollar heights, and which did The Mississippians were the same for beaten twice last year by the "Not said Thursday. thp 0rJge B(jwl at Miami There nothing to those repor s. again on their home territory.

"All I'm interested in these days Ls Thp favorites by the nar. hunting and fishing and maybe some fow margm of to 10 Both 4 eUA 1,10 more golf. 1 going to do ail the Qut Thursday night on rain. things a young guy does to keep from forbes growing old. Of course, on the theory that where ArriftPfxp rtm Al IOI I there's smoke firej he might OFFICERS DEIVIOUoH BATON ROUGE, La.

Oct, 21 T' Stales football tapered off Thursday with a light drill stressing defense against Vanderbilt's highly geared attack. Rough work was burned as freshmen walked through Vandy running plays to allow the Tigers to perfect their defensive plans. A long drill against the dangerous Commodore passes also was held Trainer Mike Chambers said 210- RUSTON. La Oct, 21 -'Special) Possibilities of changes in the Louisiana Tech starting lineup for the football game with the Normal Demons at the state fair Saturday afternoon have provided an incentive for unusual interest in practice sessions here this week. Head Coach Eddie McLane has indicated that A.

Jones of Mangham, on the basis of showing in drill sessions of the past few might replace John Sidney Hewitt at the center position on the starting eleven VERBAL STORM RAGES OVER SCHOONER RACE Anderson, J. L. Brooks and Allen or where Rabbit Maran- Wilcox. ville was fired last year, or it is even captain. Lewis Bostick, coneeiVable the big leagues can find has come through with fine perform- a spot for the Bani ances in every game.

Louisiana State But when y0u talk to him as he a star sophomore in J. W. Goree. reacjy for a trip into the woods Howard Johnson of Georgia has per- with his rifle ind his rod, you get the formed notably. Ruth is holding nothing back.

The center position lists a half- had some he dolten players in what looks like a expiajned. "But they were nothing I race to gain that place on the wanted. You know, I don't have to honor roll. Quinton Lumpkin of Geor- WOrry about where my next meal is gia, who polled many votes a year COming from, so I can take what I ago, has enhanced his candidacy with 1 excellent play. Bernie Smith of Tu- was definite weeks ago that the lane, a junior, is another leading can- Babe be back with Brooklyn didate.

Others already receiving men- next year. He and Lippy Leo Du- tion are Jack- Chivington of Georgia rocher, the new manager, HANDBOOK GLOUCESTER. Oct. 21 Lack of a brought abrupt halt Thursday to the race between the American schooner Gertrude Thebeud, for the international fishermen's troph and the Canadian salt banker defender, Biue- mm, but Thuradajr night a storm of cha.ges and counter whistled CHICAGO, Oct. hand- book operated exclusively by and for women was added to the list of bet- ting establishments chopped up by the state's attorney axe squads.

The lady bettors were sipping soft W. H. Hinkie is being groomed as I pound Johnny Crabtree, sophomore posusible right halfback, in place of halfback nursing an injured knee, john the chief mentor in- would definitely be unable to play, formed the press. i L. S.

U. staged a giant Dick Banco, 170-pounder who has pep meeting Thursday for the been performing at halfback this fall, through Gloucester, annual homecoming game Saturday may occupy the fullback post to re- protest that Captain Angus Wal- night lieve Big Whitman in the open- had been shifting ballaxt on -----------------------i ing lineup against the Demons, accord- noae, contrary to terms of the deed of VANDY HAS CHANCE to Coach McLane Whitman gjft governing the trophy, wax net I- NASHVILLE, Oct nursing dislocated shoulder, re- emphatic on the part of Head Coach Ray Morrison declared ceived in Tech game with Mississippi firry little skipper But he went on to Thursday that Vanderbilt had a "good State in Staxkville two weeks ago. charge Thebaud wax carrying mom a fine to beat L. S. I part of the rehearaing for No rnal lHnvas than she ia allowed under tlwc drinks and coffee and nibbling jelly when the Commodores and the has been Tech a drilling in offense rules, rolls between the races when the n'U- Tigers tie up at Baton Rouge Satur- against a five-main lme, the latter as.d Tiie calm at hi robbed Thebaud cers broke in the Lake Paik avenue day night.

i to be a pet defense of the Demons, Qf a well-earned victory, for she was handbook Wednesday. we improve like we have from The Tech freshmen have been I leading defender by about rmle Detective Daniel Moriarty looked at Saturday to Saturday and start click- ploying that type of defense for the wben the contest was called off the cheery drapes over the windows mg on the offense, we have a practice the varsity Bull- Captain he would and other evidences of feminine hand great chance to win. Now as dogs. and, by his own admission, was unde- far want f0 said Morrison, Though both Tech and Normal have far as I want to said Morrison. Tech, Carey Cox of Alabama.

Sher- exactly Damon and Pythias in cided on the course to pursue. A call Vandy football fans, realizing Sat- undergone a slump their footba two clubhouse sessions. So lo headquarters brought instructions urday night's game probably will be this season, both teams are believed when Lippy Leo was apprised of his to proceed in the customary manner. tbe toughest one yet for the Commo- to be evenly matched and conse- appointment to succeed "Boiling Moriarty and his fellow officers dorea, agreed that was far enough. quently are to an in- man Hinkebein of Kentucky and Shag one or Goobby of Mississippi State.

CRIPPLED MERCER DRILLS AT ATLANTA company. It was then he received an offer or two from the minors, offers he never had any intentions of taking, ATLANTA, Oct. 21 badly- because Babe is definitely big crippled Mercer squad went through time. Although he still is disappointed an hour long drill here Thursday and over his inability to get back the Grimes, the Babe knew he and thereupon went to work with axes, the daffiness boys were parting demolishing furniture, fixtures, racing NEGRO TEAMS TO BATTLE sheets and equipment. The dainty handbook suffered the same fate as 444 other gambling parlors ordered wrecked by Prosecutor Thomas J.

Courtney. TONIGHT AT CASINO PARK Shreveport. Hundreds of 1 al fans, going to Shreveport by specwl tram and private cars, are slated to swell the crowd at the annual classic, departed for New Orleans and Saturday's clash with Tuiane. With his charges the worst physical shape of the season. Coach Lake Bussell sent them through a prolonged signal drill to loosen muscles in preparation for the long train A scrimmage on the home practice field robbed Russell of all but one of his four tailbacks Wednesday and aent Vac Yon, the blond youth from Knoxville, into that position to assist Roscoe Cline, the only able- bodied tailback.

game he loves, cmtent to spend his time with the other he enjoys. planning a hunting-fishing trip 1 to begin in the next couple of weeks. After that, he'll dust off the golf TEXAS GOVERNOR TAKES I Two of best negro hig' school football the state featuring powerful lines, are expected to be seen in action at. Casino park here Dncccccmw nc OCAg toght when the Monroe Colored gh rUooCoalUil Ur Bulldogs, defending state negro champions, meet the COLORADO SPRINGS, Oct Bears. The game is scheduled to atari a flag if the lone at 8 but a pre-game parade, slar a snowdrfit the sum- P-, gers summoned him from retirement of Pikes Peak, Governor James Training school, be 1 i at Harir V.

A ner- a clock, game he regards as No. 2 on the Fndiiy of the of the The Bears have already defeated the list. Rockies- won' DEMONS AILING, TOO NATCHITOCHES La 21 (S)rei-iaii Louisiana State Normal Demons paying no attention to the "blues out of Ruston they prepare for their engagement With the To. Bv dog-. Louisiana in Si eport Saturday.

Despite of gloom i he dog the mw a aha fough battle Ted wi of injurie.1* to th ee -crs, TIGERS TO MEET FERRIDAY TEAM FRIDAY 0LLA, Oct. Olla Tigers, who were victorious last wetk over Wisners Bulldogs, will meet the Ferriday High school Bulldog orie of their strongest Class foes, at Ferridsy Friday night Aitnough the Buunoga will be Nobles, of the Winniteld negro eleven, 28 to am su pir will have nothjin( on the locals In that way, always be in shape He the peak from Governor -ng trie three injured Bull og -er-, to answer anything that may turn up Teller Ammons of Colorado by wager- in a baseball way next spring. mg that Rice imtit Colorado univcrsi last New day. I to S' Tm to- have three regulars defmateiy After tile ceremony. Governor 1S expected to have i Gentry, 206-pound tackle of eourse without a thia vear be A second Fort Myer entrant.

ha of boil mim, I John Trapnell. riding Ruaty, took the Texan and wash face in the been announced as George Sr th and ff was injtared in Clav, ends; Gray and Smith, tac- scrimmage Wednesday and Go; 'ton kies; Norman end Smith, guards; Wiggins, stellar end of Waterproof, ut CAMDEN, Cox. Van Buren, cente Williams, quarter- still ailing with a de injury Louinana the favored team, having conquered Columbia, 1937 slate Class champions, the Tigers may prove a real menace to championship hopes. Tlie locals boast a stellar lineman in Lawrence Elliott, 180-pound cen- snow, ter. who is being boosted for ail-steie would er, ty in a To lot a mv-.

bve mi i-Stui c.rnt. Sar.dy over the flail suit red engaged in a snowball fight with boarina on die state champion- I Governor v.ho iook advantage of his bulldogging skill to throw and s. nne espe- IV can't Chi rf Uf nacas Gt II fui snip pec ok Lad) racm i Immen- cm quickly The hill-billy- an in accuae him of hill-billy stories has busy between ping, ice cream and the movie Dunng the eight days, jv shot four rounds of golf, break tng par by over 12 holes Wcftnerdsy. he scored 6 2 at Green- brier, West Sulphur Spring-t. day, he bagged a 62 at Old White course nearby.

Then he came to New York to a 63 at Santis Point after which lie went to Roenoke. to score a 63 at the Country club. So far this vear. Snead, who has been in pro golf a tournament awing but 26 established a money-winning record at $17.572 83 lb sit II has $39,606 worth of tournaments to shoot at before up He so far ahead of his field for the Hairy Vardan scoring trophy that some. closest pursuer, Paul Runyan, is 78 points behind and in faraway South ica.

Ralph Guldahl the No, 3 man, is lit a Miami hospital getting a cyst removed. Ami Mam sx walking about like man who hasn't been winded. Already, this year, traveled more than 66.066 m.les, Recently the Man attended a football game played by his old Valley High school. When lie played fullback you could count hie spectators Tina timl, they packed the place to see Snead. There more than vanity behind Beau Brummel movement along Park avenue, He's getting ready to get married and her fust name, we been told, Audrey, It looks like a great year for Samuel Jackson around.

up I Vi RI stl NI YORK fve.tpohs. pinned Ireland, S3 I NIGHT Mm Hi to rig in Yet gam of pent in 6 look to no Ij we wem expect But nance at a non a ecfedly. lot to the the weary not race again until both vessels had been measured by his own mexsuier, Will am J. Roue, he Was fly ing from Halifax, Roue is Btuenoee designer. Captain Walters contended Theba'id terestmg battle at the fair grounds in should be deprived of her ind ml victory, a week ago Sunday, and that if Biuenose should be found too long on the water line as the result of added ballast, her victory last Thu; a Is.

should go by the hoard, HORSEMEN OF U. S. ARMY LEAD RIVALS FIRST DAY WASHINGTON. Oct 11 States army team led lea and Mexican tit it day Inter-Ame: 1 Thur; day Tl.e Ui ted States team had 12 il ta, Mex 12- a and Ch. 12 forced fp nt of jurr Captain Hr Luehberman the beck in Dug and a lint-smarhing fullback 229, Kansas City, defeated Err.a Du- hick; Flentrpy and Buford, halfbacks game with weighs 1S5 pounis, sek, 226.

Onudis two of three fsJUs. and Gulley, fulibsch. cwikge last week. the ribL.n in the rnpmg la Al ough 'he and Cl a a ha; month of trsin- mg Fort tl-eu in country, their found or. the courie di IT PAYS TO DRESS WE LI MEN! LOOK AT THESE NEW CLOTIKRAFT SUITS 9 to pay tag much to be dreased not when you buy a craft Impanai suit Look at it, and your f.rat impreitsiori ia the quality nth ness of the Imperial fabric.

Slip on the coet and ou will recogn.ze atyl- ing and exceptional fitting qualities the result ef Clolhcrxft Tailoring. An added touch ef quality ia me luxurious to Rayon tining. And getting back to the Of it, the ia only $22 56. Fall SUITS $fN85 9 up With two golf gents. Ages to 18 years.

Fine, durable woolens of ex. lent quality end tailoring Double or single breasted. Sport in the BmV Department FV STIDENT SUITS With I Pants up to 26 up to 17.50 Steli Mothers will weicong a silgttkKil The young go tor r. 4 big w- kind hr -i FAIJg SUITS One er two shnrt up te 111 5 45 up D. Masur Sons Since.

The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.